(what the heck is a "Ch IRSTmas" ? Typo above :D )

Saturday, August 8, 2009

So much to do, so little time ...

anybody reading this?

I now have time to work on this blog - but does anyone read it? :D

Which direction should I take -
Findings in the research on antiques?
My daily / weekly forays into the garage / estate sale goodies?
The latest quilting project I want to start on?
How many days until Christmas?
What my chickens are up to?

decisions, decisions ... : D

update at 1 pm -
Sure am glad I didn't throw away those stacks of S&H green stamps and books from that last estate sale - found someone who collects them! Just goes to show ya - don't throw away ANYthing! Somebody is looking for it! (I have no advice on where to store it in the meantime ... :D )

update at 1:30
And glad I didn't toss the Kentucky Derby glasses to Goodwill - found someone that collects those, as well! That's 2 for 2!

update at 1:40
Did you know a quick way to determine if you have authentic Bakelite jewelry / items is to use a bit of Formula 409 on a Q-tip, then dab it on a hidden section of the jewelry?! - If you see any yellow, it's authentic!

And - to clean glazed dinnerware - use peroxide! (now where was that info tidbit when I wanted to clean my mom's china bowl?)