(what the heck is a "Ch IRSTmas" ? Typo above :D )

Thursday, March 25, 2010

language information ...

found some cool books at an estate sale re: language - posting more later... going back to reading ... :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Paddy's Day

adding more later ... just posting this quickly ... lol

As soon as she had finished parochial school, a bright young girl named Lena shook the dust of Ireland off her shoes and made her way to New York where before long, she became a successful performer in show business.

Eventually she returned to her home town for a visit and on a Saturday night went to confession in the church which she had always attended as a child.

In the confessional Father Sullivan recognized her and began asking her about her work. She explained that she was an acrobatic dancer, and he wanted to know what that meant. She said she would be happy to show him the kind of thing she did on stage.

She stepped out of the confessional and within sight of Father Sullivan, she went into a series of cartwheels, leaping splits, handsprings and backflips.

Kneeling near the confessional, waiting their turn, were two middle-aged ladies. They witnessed Lena’s acrobatics with wide eyes, and one said to the other:

“Will you just look at the penance Father Sullivan is givin’ out this night, and me without me bloomers on!”

Sunday, March 14, 2010

saving damaged vintage photos

can you imagine if the Library of Congress had thrown away these photos? !

even in its damaged shape, it may be the only photo left of the game between Yale and Wesleyan on 9.24.1913
1913 game

I have often wondered about getting rid of damaged ephemera - am I throwing away one of the last few remaining pieces???

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

on tap ...

~ MUST get to the library today - books are due back - want to recheckout a couple - Big Book of Buttons, by Elizabeth Hughes and Encyclopedia of Ephemera by Maurice Rickards and The Collectors books of Dolls by Coleman - why not buy them? Big Book is vintage and rare, and averages $300+ to buy - Ency/Ephe - is around $100 and the Collectors Book of Dolls is around $100 - just don't want to spend that right now - so I borrow from the library (took 4 weeks to finally get the Big Book of Buttons). Hey! Just went online and - yippee! I can renew online - now that's cool! - still need to return these other 4 books and pick up a couple more that were on hold. and need to do that today, as they are due tomorrow

~ while researching the aforementioned average price on the Button Book, I came across this book site - http://www.bookride.com/ - oh, wow! need to visit this in detail sometime

~ and this site is a start for my research in reprinting books (I'm primarily interested in reprinting vintage cookbooks) - they print vintage and out of print gun / sports catalogs - http://www.cornellpubs.com

~ getting ready to begin to commence to start in to proceed to shut down ebay store - sad day - had the store for 10 years - can you tell I'm reluctant? but the new fees start at the end of the month - $14 / mo w/ 20 cent per listing fee or $50 / mo w 10 cent per listing fee or $250 / mo w/ 3 cent per listing fee - either way, is going to be a hefty per month fee for a store with an average of 1,000 items. I'll keep the user id for buying or sporadic auctions - but the store is going bye bye. I think.

~ noticed in vintage cookbooks / menu planning how moms would start dinner in the morning, saving them steps and chaos in the evening - great idea - going to start today - tonight is tacos - cooking the meat, slicing the cheese / tomatoes / lettuce this morning to save time tonight - kids can then just buffet it, and make it them own selves ...

~ gardening stuff needs to be looked at, cleaned up since I didn't clean them up last year (oh, Martha - don't look, I'm so embarrassed) - and I also need to assess my collection of watering cans to figure out what I want to keep and what has to go bye bye / get sold

~ found a great idea on what to do with an unwanted book (other than the obvious sell/give/pitch) - make it into a fake safe:

How to Make a Hollow Book
originated by:Sondra C, Jack Herrick, Krystle

A hollow book can be a nifty way to hide something, whether it's a spare key, a secret note, or even money. Most people wouldn't think to browse your library for private or personal things. It's also a great way to pass something to someone discreetly--an unsuspecting onlooker will just think you're sharing a very good read

Select a book, preferably a thick one with a sturdy hard cover.
Select the first few pages as you want and hold them to the front cover with plastic food wrap so they do not get messed up with the glue. These, except for the last one of these pages, will not be cut out. This will allow the book to look like a book when it is opened up and will cover the hole itself. The page nearest the hole will be glued later on and explained in the last step.
Mix a solution of white glue and water. Make the consistency just enough for the glue to be runny, and absorbed by the edge of the book's pages. 50% to 70% glue (30% to 50% water) or half a 35mm film canister full usually works well, but use your judgment given the thickness and size of the book. Alternatively, try a craft glue like Mod Podge.
Hold together all the pages after the one you set aside earlier and brush the edges with the glue solution so that it is reasonably absorbed. This will hold them together. Remember: clean the brush off immediately, or else it will harden and become useless.
Let the book dry for fifteen to thirty minutes. Place a sheet of plastic food wrap in between the glued pages and the page(s) (if any) that will not be cut (including at least the previously selected page and the front cover) so that they do not touch and stick together. Place something heavy on top of the front cover so as to apply pressure.
Open the book to reveal the first glued page. Draw a half-inch (1.2 cm) border within the edge, on all four sides (including the spine). Drill a hole in each corner of the newly drawn box to the depth you wish the hidden compartment to be. (this makes cutting out the pages easier because the blade does not have to make a 90 degree turn.)
Cut along the inside of the drawn line with a straight edge knife (a box cutter works especially well). Try to make the cut as vertical as possible, or else try to tilt it so the hole will narrow as you go down. Using a ruler, as shown in the image, can help a lot. Apply enough pressure to cut a few pages at a time.
Continue cutting through the layers. Do not rush this step, because the slower and more carefully you do this, the smoother and straighter the inside edges will be. Remove the bits of paper from the inside that accumulate from the cutting
Brush the glue solution onto the inside edges of the hole and allow it to soak in. The glue dries clear, so if it drips a little, do not be concerned. While waiting, apply a second coat of glue to the outside edges of the pages.
Brush the "frame" of the hole with a light coat of glue. The saved page will be glued directly on top of the hole, essentially covering it (for now).
Close the book again, this time without any spacers. Allow it to dry for about 15-30 minutes. In this drying phase, the saved page will become affixed to the hole, as mentioned in the previous step.
Cut the saved page along the edges of the hole so that the hole is visible and accessible once again. The insides of the book may still be moist because the book had been closed while drying. Now is a good time to let the book dry while it's open.
Check to make sure every part of the book is thoroughly dry. Touch it with your fingers, and when you are certain it is dry, fill it with your treasured items, shut the book, and put it in the bookshelf. Only you will know that this book has a compartment because it will be surrounded by many other books!
Utilize the book as you continue to work on it by storing some personal items inside while you take a break. This gives you a feeling of accomplishment that will help you complete the project.
If you ask, "What is the purpose of saving the last page to glue on top, and then cutting through it just like the others?" It's to cover up the lines you initially drew to cut the book apart. It also allows the book to be fully closed, compressing the pages while the inside dries. This is important so the book will close properly when it is finished.
Make sure you only use a hardback book. If the cover is soft, you will end up cutting through the back of the book.
A Dremel tool makes quick work of 30-40 pages at a time, and sometimes the heat of the cutting disk burns the inside edges, leaving smooth brown lines on the inside.
Multiple books can be held together with long skinny bolts. Use a template to cut through each book separately so the knife or Dremel tool will reach. Leave the back cover open on the last book, and drill through the book corners and countersink for the bolts before gluing the back cover on.
It is best to use a book that people think you might actually read. (But not so interesting a title that they might want to take the book down and flip through it.)
Use a metal ruler (or a wooden ruler with a metal-edge insert) to guide your knife. The illustration pictures a plastic ruler, but the knife can easily bite into plastic (or wood), messing up both the ruler and the project.
You can put magnets on the inside of the front and back hard cover so that the magnet holds the book together closely.
You may be able to get free old books from libraries that are clearing out the archives.
If the hole you have cut is too small, you can sand the edges, but it will leave a slightly furry feeling depending on the paper.

~ another way to make use of unwanted books: make them into a light - from the site Craftster / seller name horizonpurple:

"...Being as I'm a bookish sort of a person. It doesn't cast a superduper amount of light, but it's bright enough to read by if you sit close ..."

some ideas from comments/author:
~ use unwanted reader's digest condensed books
~ use outdated law books
~ outdoor lighting section at the hardware store. They're solar powered, but you should be able to find mains or battery if you'd prefer. I don't know about in the states, but here they're just lumped in with the bulb type light strings.

Monday, March 8, 2010

vintage patterns

yippee! - finally found my boxes of vintage patterns - can't wait to go through them and list them in the store

Saturday, March 6, 2010

for those who read this from the Bonanzle site, I'm in the process of deleting most of my posts over there - and transferring the more "informative" posts here (more on Bonanzle, later)


and don’t forget to get your tomato seeds planted now – until the seeds sprout, I’ve found the top of the refrigerator is good (are the newer refrigerators better insulated? we have an older one that still spouts out heat at the top)

I’ve used many things to start the seeds – old baking pans – cardboard egg cartons – styrofoam meat trays (washed, of course)… then put in the starter soil (not from the garden, bought at the store – supposedly free of weeds and such – no idea if it’s any better, but why take a chance for all your effort?) – moisten it first by using a watering can of some sort – I’ve also just put the pan full of soil under the faucet – warm water, by the way, not cold – and put JUST ENOUGH water to moisten it – put in the tomato seeds (dry your hands first, else the seeds foller you : ) – cover with just a crumble of soil – or you can cover with a crumble of vermiculite – a much lighter substance, supposed to allow the seed easier germination … whatever … I’ve used both – haven’t noticed much difference – the point is, you only cover a seed with the same size (depth-wise) as the seed is … so a tomato seed is about the size of an “O” – so the dirt should only be that depth:

O – depth of dirt to cover
O – tomato seed
.####. – this is more dirt below the tomato seed

how you like my graphics?

wanna see me draw an elephant using mostly spoons?


then let’s continue …

cover the whole tray with some sort of saran wrap – this will act like a mini-greenhouse – watch the tray the next couple days or so – mist as needed (don’t water until you see a sprout – you’ll drown the seed – once you see a seed, you can – carefully – use a watering can thingy – I picked up several watering cans at yard sales over the years, ranging in spout size from le’ sprinkle to la’ pouring rain … : )

once they sprout and are maybe 1/2 – 1 inch high, they need light – set them near a window – making sure they still are covered and protected from the cold (via the plastic), especially if you have less than insulated windows, and especially at night when the temp drops.

some have had good luck putting a heating pad underneath the tray – I just had higher electric bills … : D

depending on the type, tomato plants need an average of 10 weeks to get to a size where they can be safely transplanted AFter the threat of frost

tomato plants are heat loving plants – and canNOT tolerate cold and do NOT like to get their “feet” (roots) wet – make sure the threat of frost has passed, and keep on eye on the evening’s forecast, so that you can quickly put a covering over them at night if the temp will get too cold – I’ve used old sheets (not blankets – too heavy, and they may break the stalk), couple sheets of newspapers (tuck and staple the sheets around the plant to keep the papers from blowing off in the night – and they’ll of course, usually blow into the neighbors yard : ) …
(unless you don’t like your neighbor, then by all means, let the papers go free… : )
(in fact, even if you don’t have tomato plants to cover, leave the paper out to blow in the … aw, now that’s just mean – ignore this last sentence : )

(continuing with cover ideas) … plastic bags, upended 5 gallon buckets – whatever you have handy – just cover up all your hard work and protect them from the frost

now – if you don’t like tomatoes … then – all the above advice? as in the words of roseannna roseanna danna – “ne’ermind”


Plant a Garden ~ by Edgar A. Guest ~ adapted a leeeetle by Gail

If your purse no longer bulges
and you’ve lost your golden treasure

If at times you think you’re lonely
and have grown hungry for pleasure

Don’t sit by your hearth and grumble
don’t let mind and spirit harden

If it’s thrills of joy you wish for
get to work and plant a garden!

If it’s drama that you sigh for
plant a garden and you’ll get it

You will know the thrill of battle
fighting foes that will beset it …

If you long for entertainment and
for pageantry most glowing

Plant a garden and this summer spend
your time with green things growing.

If it’s comradeship you sight for
learn the fellowship of daisies

You will come to know your neighbor
by the blossoms that he raises.

If you’d get away from boredom
and find new delights to look for

Learn the joy of budding pansies
which you’ve kept a special nook for.

If you ever think of dying
and you fear to wake tomorrow

Plant a garden! It will cure you
of your melancholy sorrow.

Once you’ve learned to know peonies,
petunias, and roses

You will find every morning
some new happiness discloses.


(in response to the "only help (financially) I could get was from my churches")

that’s what churches are there for – to help out those in need

don’t forget to volunteer wherever you can – help pack food, sort donated clothes, cook meals, help out in the nursery, etc – you never know – that volunteer position may turn into a job!

get stuff ready for yard sale season – get stuff gathered, cleaned, priced – I know folks in my area are just itching to get out there to the sales – and they have already started up – folks are having “porch sales” – advertise for free on Craigslist

plan for the upcoming holidays – Easter – 4th of July – if you’re good at crafts, and you have the materials, see if there is an upcoming craft sale where you can sell your items.

~ can you crochet? see what is hot on the Internet, and make some items up for the upcoming yard sales, and keep the winter / Christmas season in mind – while sitting watching American Idol this spring (and summer?), you could be mindlessly making some adorable hats and mittens – and if you don’t sell them, you could always donate whatever doesn’t sell – a great way to give back to the church

~ can you knit? get to clacking – baby layettes and doll clothes are two niche areas and can be quite profitable

~ can you sew? see what is selling on Craigslist – and don’t just think sewing from patterns – there are tons of folk who can’t/don’t want to repair their clothes – build up a clientele, advertise in Craigslist. Get creative with specialty items like purses, or tote bags – make them fun and whimsical – Easter theme – spring theme – beach theme – get some made up for autumn – it comes around every 12 months, you know

~ are you handy with wood? I don’t necessarily mean the push toys – I’m talking about things like maybe whirligigs – those are hot, especially if you come up with an ingenious idea – pick something that is current, like the shape of computer or maybe a space shuttle whirligig – I don’t know – just get creative!

~ how about welding? I have seem some fabulous – and pricey yard ornaments and desk / bookshelf “figurines” formed out of a bunch of throwaway junk – some of you folks are so creative with that!

~ can you cook? do you bake fabulous cookies? are you famous for your pecan pie? make some up, spread the word – give out samples at your garage sale. or maybe you could cater a dessert party.

~ can you play the piano? maybe you could teach others

~ are you computer savvy? maybe you could teach a class


I guess the thing is – take time to figure out what you’re good at – and provide it to others – and make some good money while you’re at it!

(and another posting, added to this one)

re: the next Christmas season - keep something in mind - the gift shops are always buying/getting ready at least 6-8 months in advance - Christmas stuff especially, is bought waaaay in advance - the time to think about Christmas is now!
(In fact, it wouldn't hurt to put in a Christmas section in your booth - take the pics, get the description, pack it up, label the box, and put it in your Bonanza closet "warehouse" (I know you have one - you're just like me - you have a space just for Bonanza stuff so you can get your hands on it in a moment's notice : ).
Even if you don't sell it, you'll be way ahead of the ball game come Thanksgiving - and you'll look like a freaking genius, because you already have your Christmas stuff ready, up and priced - ready to sell - while the rest of us are running around scrambling to get our Christmas stuff up.

point is - get serious and think at least 6 months ahead - that means - yes - keep one eye on what you need to do now, but always have one eye focused on the future.

(the worst that will happen is you may get a little cross-eyed) :D
for those who read this from the Bonanzle site, I'm removing my posts over there - and transplanting some of the more "informative" (I think, anyway :) threads over here (more on Bonanzle later)


encouraging all affected (by unemployment/economy) to keep on keeping on -

- somehow -

- find a way -

at our house we have:

~ stopped buying soda / pop (and sheesh! at like $2 for a 2 liter Mountain Dew! AND found out it was causing HORrible cramps in my legs at night)

~ cut waaaay back on meat – more vegetables and fruit – saving leftover vegetables and tossing them into the “freezer pot” – then when we get lots of vegetables in the freezer pot, I buy a ham shank or roast and toss all in the crock pot for the day – also, making lots of casseroles lately – again, using the freezer pot leftovers

~ cut waaay down on desserts – bad for the summer shorts coming up, anyway – and desserts are quite pricey, with almost no nutritional value – we are all about bang for the buck right now

~ trying out off brands – a little at a time – because sometimes there is just no substitute for brand names. sometimes. like Tide – I will not use anything else. or milk – usually we buy 2% (and Speedway gas stations often run a special on 2% – 2/$5) but if I’m forced to buy a strange brand, I’ll buy the whole milk – just tastes better, I think

~ we almost never go to the doctor – not because we don’t have any ailments, but because I just don’t go everytime I get a sniffle – my grandmother was an herbalist – lots of home remedies around here (hafta get those recipes of hers on my blog sometime – she was brilliant)

~ almost totally eliminated trips to the fast food – taking pot pies lunches to work (only 65 cents for Banquet compared to $6-7 each meal at Burger King)

~ have chickens (no, we don’t kill them for meat – heavens no! just couldn’t bear to! we’ve named them all! I just couldn’t possibly eat Ms. Plump! but we do eat their unborn LOL – their eggs – but don’t be mislead – you don’t save money with raising chickens – by the time you feed them (they HAVE to have “chicken” food of some sort, else they stop laying or simply get weak and die, especially in the winter where there are no bugs to eat) – but what you DO get with raising your own chickens is the knowledge of WHAT the chickens ate, and how they were raised – ours are free ranging, meaning they are not cooped up in separate pens their entire life – also – be forewarned – they don’t seem to know where our property ends : ) and where the neighbors garden begins – and they will decimate a row of tomato plants faster than you can say “stop decimating that row of tomato plants!”

~ no cable / satellite subscriptions (we could never get cable out here, anyway – but satellite is an option – we just don’t have time for a lot of TV, so this one is a no brainer for us)

~ switched telephone plans to a cheaper rate (shoulda heard ATT – “…are you sure you want to drop us? we own all the lines, you know” … huh? whassat mean? >:/ …)

~ cut up all credit cards – just keeping the debit attached to the checking account

~ switched to a small local credit union from a nationwide bank
(local credit unions are ever so much more … willing to work with me if there is ever a problem with a charge about to go thru – they’ve held a charge in pending long enough for me to get in to make a deposit – the bank? oh yeah – they notify me – after about 3 days – AND after they’ve charged me $30 / each occurance (and of course, the banks always run the large item through first THEN oh, my! lookee here! they run the smaller $7 / $8 items … grrrrr) )

~ making aLOT less trips into town – planning a little better (I say a little, because I will still make a trip into town to send out just one item – that whatchamacallit I just sold)

~ dropped insurance to just 2 cars (had 5 last summer – you know – truck for hauling – van for large grocery loads – 2 Escort’s for cheap running – and Mitzi (Mitzibushi) ’cuz it just looks cool : )

~ using heated blankets, lots more quilts on the bed, found flannel sheets (found at Goodwill, of course) are heaven to slip into on cold nights – just switch them out for cool sheets in the summer – nothing worse than a hot night in the summer and sleeping on flannel

~ wearing layers of clothing – sweatshirts – socks – slippers – and hooded sweats (wearing one right now, pulled low over my brow : )

~ wintertime plays havoc with dry skin – every once in a while – just before bed I’ll slather my hands and feet with vaseline, put on some cotton socks and cotton gloves – seriously! gloves! – and in the morning – super soft feet and hands

ch-ch-ch-ch-changes ...

From a post on the PSU site from Trout25:


saw this today in a link from a post on Seller Central.

Ebay Plan

This post was originally posted in the FEEDBACK DISCUSSION FORUM on ebay. It has repeatedly been removed by ebay forum Moderators. (watchdogs)! They don't want you to see it! If it was not authentic then they would not be so quick to delete it so no one can see it, and I have been suspended once for 7 days and now for 30 days for referring to it! I make no claims as to its authenticity, BUT, I have watched ebay closely, and it appears to be a roadmap of exactly the changes currently taking place, as well as the future!


This next posting has been sent by an employee of eBay, and bears much truth. It explains their future intensions as well as their past behavior. If any of these predictions come true (as opposed to some changes in favor of the seller), it will be a clear signal from eBay of their true intensions. I went to eBay's annual meeting in Chicago, and was privately told similar things by two eBay employees who spoke to me privately at the event.

There is widespread seller revolt, and listings and sales are way down. If they really do not care (as purported in this upcomming message), they will not reverse the Feedback decision, but work further to discriminate against buyers. If they do care about the smaller sellers, they will reverse some of their previous decisions.

Um... what happened to the 2nd post? Luckily I saved it in a Word document. Really, this whole thing makes me sad. eBay gave me an opportunity. I embraced it. I was lucky b/c at the time I started, cowboy boots were very hot from a fashion standpoint. It was crazy fun. Now, I use eBay as a way to generate some fairly fast cash, but not as a sole source of income.

I would advise others to spread their eggs into other baskets. Personally, I have rented a booth at a local antique mall - I am doing GREAT! It's so much fun.

HOWEVER, I am saddened by the propaganda that is circulating about eBay. Even though "used sales" may be only 13% of revenue, it's still a BIG CHUNK = and worth keeping. Hopefully, eBay will decide to spin off a site like half.com or something for the vintage items - I just can't imagine a corporation throwing away 13% of revenue!

That's it for me - sweet dreams - molly

Oh - below is the deleted "propaganda" post:

I posted this at the feedback forum at eBay.I should have known. My ID will be toast soon anyway. This was the only other place I thought where my statement might have an impact. Do with it what you will. After Chicago, my only desire is to be heard.

There will be those who will not believe me and I sympathize. I wish the facts were fiction but to deny what I know would be to live in a fairyland of make-believe. I understand that the bulk of this “manifesto” reveals a plot so against the spirit of eBay that it will be dismissed as lie. So be it. I cannot force the world to accept it. All I can do is state the truth as I know it and leave it to you and to your common sense and experience to judge.

The deck is stacked against me. Aside from the natural resistance to believe I know that the boards are stocked with eBay’s tools. Their goal will be to discredit me. I will be accused of being a “disgruntled”, “paranoid”, and “emotional” seller. Their words will be specially chosen for effect. That is part of the function of the tools and I am not fazed by it. However, to protect my own identity within the corporation, I cannot be too specific lest the details single me out to the powers that be.

What I intend to reveal is common knowledge to many in the management division behind the scenes.

By the way, the tools are not only the mouthpieces that promote the policies. The psychological tactics employed by the powers that be are far deeper and grander than that. The subtlety of the method is remarkable. The tools come in a wide range of flavors with their own, individual “characteristic” rhetoric. From those who are “for” the policy - and spread various degrees of hostility toward the sellers - to those who are “against” the change - and spread panic and further the divide with the buyers. Both serve the same exact purpose: a manipulation designed to remove the more involved and savvy small to large sellers who will not fit into eBay’s future business plan.

First, let me correct the record regarding the concept of sellers extorting positive feedback. While the violation was known to happen, the activity amounted to less than a tenth of a percent of the yearly transactions. Further, it involved sellers whose feedback percentages were below 80%. The absolute majority of sellers did not engage in such practices. Nevertheless, the powers that be could not resist the fact that promoting this notion of feedback extortion as a wide-spread phenomenon would be the perfect cover with which to hide the true intentions of the policy.

The powers that be want to transform eBay into an overstock warehouse venue. A kind of outlet store for the internet much like a cheaper and streamlined version of Amazon. From a strictly business point of view, given the size of eBay and the growing costs of doing business, it makes a certain kind of sense to shift gears. Think about it: when eBay started, sellers were about rare and unique items but here and now the majority of items are common, used counterparts of what can be found new online at retail sites. Truly rare and unique items are sold at real auctions; the “stuff in your attic” isn’t glamorous enough and won’t keep eBay afloat any longer.

The trend away from the rare and unique to the big box retailer is not new. Several years ago the powers that be noticed that the big “powersellers” were simply listing items that existed in their retail stores or inventories. Thus the concept of “buy it now”, “best offer”, and “eBay stores” were created. It was the nascent stage of the plan yet to be. Little by little, without the population noticing, the mechanisms required to replicate the average retail storefront were already in place - and with its rise came the slow, steady downfall of the auction format.

Yet outright pursuit of a retail venue would have led to a major problem that at the time could not have been surmounted. The vast majority of people, on and off line, know eBay as precisely the place for auctions of rare and unique items. The sellers and buyers held onto that perception too but in truth their opinion even involvement in new and improved version of eBay is irrelevant by a certain Machiavellian calculation made by the powers that be. As part of the plan, eBay calculated thus: even if they lost the sellers as part of the change, the buyers will be coming back to buy regardless of who or what operated within the retail-outlet venue.

No, it was the stock holders who the powers that be feared.

Only the stockholders had the power to change the direction set forth by the CEO and the board. So it became imperative to change the equation. Part of the plan is to devalue the stock gradually so that investors merely dumped the stock as opposed to wanting managerial change ala Yahoo. Then to buy back the stock at lower cost and to such a volume that no rebellion against the powers that be were possible.

By the end of July that phase of the plan will be successful and there est of the plan will be revealed without fear of backlash from those who otherwise would have had the power to pull eBay back from the brink.

Indeed, if you believe the current changes are obvious signals that small sellers are not wanted - be prepared - you have seen nothing yet.

So far what have they done? All they have managed to do is silence a seller’s ability to warn others about buyers (half of the purpose behind the original idea of feedback), burden you with higher and higher fees, dangle “treats” like discounts while setting the bar of eligibility so high that the rewards cannot be reached. and, by the way PayPal deals with “complaints” leave you vulnerable to fraud. What if worse was yet to come?

They know if you do not feel safe that you will not use eBay. The changes that have been enacted only eliminates the small sellers. Meanwhile they want to eradicate the mid-sized seller too. And they want to ensure that both do not return.

For the mid-sized seller the DSR became the tool of choice. The powers that be raised the level of what is a good seller artificially high. No manipulation is required; they know exactly the effect of the policy. This is why buyers are told that 4 is a good score and sellers are told that 4.9 yields discounts and higher listing placements. As long as that fractured point of view exists, eBay does not need to interfere with the DSR as has been suggested, the buyers will be killing the sellers naturally.

By August there will be no pretense and the intentions of the new and improved eBay will be clear. The following is only a partial list of the rules that will be imposed. It comes from a memo that circulated within my corner of the managerial department the week before Chicago. I cannot be too specific about certain items and I cannot reveal details of the latest additions without endangering my anonymity.

1. Neutrals will be converted to negatives complete with red icons and reduced feedback scores. Afterward neutrals will not be offered as a choice of feedback.

2. The entire process of feedback will be automated. Buyers and sellers will chose standard feedback from a list. For sellers this operation will be performed automatically upon the buyer winning. For buyers there will be an extra free line with which to add a few comments about the seller without restriction to content. Replies will not be allowed.

3. The implementation of a stricter rules regarding shipping. From the boxes, packing, labels and tapes to where you can buy postage. Orders have been placed for prototypes of “eBay” boxes. UPS and FedEx will be instructed not to accept “eBay” merchandise if it’s not inside “eBay” boxing. They will know, of course, because when sellers buy the “eBay” postage from the “eBay” source, a detailed list of contents with item numbers will be available to the shippers upon scanning a bar code. As for those who continue to use USPS, another level of quality control will be implemented - buyers will be asked, upon confirmation of delivery, if the seller used “eBay” standard shipping items. Naturally, no verification of the buyer’s truthfulness will be attempted, and continued ‘infractions’ will result in suspension. eBay will have other ways to check if a seller is not using the “eBay” equipment - as they will be required to buy at cost the supplies immediately after items are listed. (This is such a large scale operation behind the scenes that I feel comfortable sharing as much of it as I know.)

4. Sales taxes will be included automatically; shipping cost and sales taxes will be used to determined FVF.

5. Item descriptions will be “standardized” with templates which include the posting of a new, universal return policy. Only yearly subscribers to the retail-outlet venue can opt out of these universal return policies but even they cannot alter the template structures being devised.

6. Strikes against buyers will be eliminated as the whole concept of a buyer and bidding will be altered. FVF will be calculated when payment is submitted.

7. Time to Close will be eliminated entirely. Best Match will be the non-alterable default. Best Match is a system that caters to the needs of shoppers not bidders.

8. Placement within Best Match will be determined by several factors, the most important of which will be the extra display features added onto the listing.

9. DSRs can be removed by retailers and powersellers who pay a certain yearly fee.

10. The end play itself which consists of four phases: a) the main focus shifts to retail sellers whose fees are on a per listing basis b) stores will be replaced by a classified section, fees will be based on yearly subscriptions and FVFs c) occasional auctions will be conducted for unique items (celebrity auctions, items that have been featured on the news, etc.) d) total elimination of auctions for regular sellers.

From the point of view of eBay’s agenda to change gears these alteration make sense. The powers that be want to turn eBay into a retail venue format. Therefore the “buyer” must be changed - bidding and commitments to buy are part of the past. In a retail venue, the item is either in your cart or not and you only commit to buy when you pay at checkout. The seller is also redefined in the way they will be required to do business. They will be forced to copy the methods of retail stores.

The goal is to become Amazon Lite. Unlike Amazon the merchandise will be stocked by the retailers in their warehouses, eBay will be just an electronic centralized venue for outlet sale - a “trusted” name with a wide customer base and popular name recognition.

That is the future and as I write this I know that it cannot be stopped. There are no investors with enough clout and will to challenge the CEO. Stock holders will simply walk away. eBay will not sink, however, it will be exactly in the position its rulers intend it to be at.

Sellers, my advice is simple. You are not wanted. Leave. If you stay, you will be crushed. Leave. Go away. You cannot win.

I am sorry because for too long I have been a complicit tool behind the scenes. I was part of those teams and think tanks that spearheaded many of the “innovations” you know very well and which will be used to destroy you. I know I will not be believed. I will be mocked and ridiculed by the tools and even those who are real, actual people will be hesitant to accept what I have to say. What has been done to this community, the plots and schemes hatched in meetings and across memos, is far, far worse to endure within my soul than any treatment I will receive at the hands of the tools by posting this. You do not know how much they hate you. It is my conscience that I want to clear going forward. Again I apologize. There should have been a better way for the powers that be to effect the change they wanted for eBay - instead they succumbed to cloak and dagger deception.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Jim Rohn died last December ...

One of my heroes ... Jim Rohn ... just found out he died last December ... he will be missed

from his site - I'll clean it up later ... just too sad ...

Vitamins for the Mind

The quotes included in each section of Vitamins for the Mind are excerpted in their entirety from The Treasury of Quotes by Jim Rohn. Please feel free to use these quote selections in your own publication, provided that the Credit Statement shown at the end of each section is included when distributed or published. Thank you!


Activity & Labor
You must learn to translate wisdom and strong feelings into labor.

The miracle of the seed and the soil is not available by affirmation; it is only available by labor.

Make rest a necessity, not an objective. Only rest long enough to gather strength.

Without constant activity, the threats of life will soon overwhelm the values.

The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.

For every promise, there is a price to pay.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



The Pledge of Allegiance starts with "I" and ends with "all." That's what America is all about - "I" (individual) and "all" (all of us). When all of us understand how valuable each of us is, that's powerful. And here's what else is powerful: When each of us understands how powerful all of us are.

In America we have the greatest chance for opportunity than anyone else in the past six and a half thousand years. Never in recorded history have so many different gifts from all over the world been deposited in one country.

In America, everything you need to succeed is within reach.

One of the great liberal documents of the world is the Declaration of Independence. One of the great conservative documents of the world is the Constitution of the United States. We need both documents to build a country. One to get it started - liberal. And the other to help maintain the structure over the years - conservative.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you.

There is no better opportunity to receive more than to be thankful for what you already have. Thanksgiving opens the windows of opportunity for ideas to flow your way.

Resolve says, "I will." The man says, "I will climb this mountain. They told me it is too high, too far, too steep, too rocky and too difficult. But it's my mountain. I will climb it. You will soon see me waving from the top or dead on the side from trying."

Disgust and resolve are two of the great emotions that lead to change.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Basics & Fundamentals
Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.

There are no new fundamentals. You've got to be a little suspicious of someone who says, "I've got a new fundamental." That's like someone inviting you to tour a factory where they are manufacturing antiques.

Some things you have to do every day. Eating seven apples on Saturday night instead of one a day just isn't going to get the job done.

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. It is the accumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgments that leads us to either fortune or failure.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Books, Reading and Your Personal Library
Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book.

Some people claim that it is okay to read trashy novels because sometimes you can find something valuable in them. You can also find a crust of bread in a garbage can, if you search long enough, but there is a better way.

Most homes valued at over $250,000 have a library. That should tell us something.

Everything you need for your better future and success has already been written. And guess what? It's all available. All you have to do is go to the library. But would you believe that only three percent of the people in America have a library card. Wow, they must be expensive! No, they're free. And there's probably a library in every neighborhood. Only three percent!

Some people read so little they have rickets of the mind.

I now have one of the better libraries. I admit that I haven't read everything in my library, but I feel smarter just walking in it.

Don't just read the easy stuff. You may entertained by it, but you will never grow from it.

The book you don't read won't help.

Books are easy to find and easy to buy. A paperback these days only costs six or seven dollars. You can borrow that from your kids!

It isn't what the book costs; it's what it will cost if you don't read it.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Career & Marketplace
My father taught me to always do more than you get paid for as an investment in your future.

Whether you stay six weeks, six months or six years, always leave it better than you found it.

Don't bring your need to the marketplace, bring your skill. If you don't feel well, tell your doctor, but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank, but not the marketplace.

If you make a sale, you can make a living. If you make an investment of time and good service in a customer, you can make a fortune.

Don't just let your business or your job make something for you; let it make something of you.

Lack of homework shows up in the marketplace as well as in the classroom.

Where you start in the marketplace is not where you have to stay.

The worst days of those who enjoy what they do are better than the best days of those who don't.

We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace. It takes time to bring value to the marketplace, but we get paid for the value, not the time.

Here's the major problem with going on strike for more money: You cannot get rich by demand.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Change / Choice / Decision
One of the best places to start to turn your life around is by doing whatever appears on your mental "I should" list.

Indecision is the thief of opportunity.

Every life form seems to strive to its maximum except human beings. How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it possibly can. Human beings, on the other hand, have been given the dignity of choice. You can choose to be all or you can choose to be less. Why not stretch up to the full measure of the challenge and see what all you can do?

You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.

Decision making can sometimes seem like inner civil war.

Don't say, "If I could, I would." Say, "If I can, I will."

It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off! You cannot make progress without making decisions.

We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.

If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree.

I used to say, "I sure hope things will change." Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change.

Don't say, "If I could, I would." Say, "If I can, I will."

It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off!

You cannot make progress without making decisions.

We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.

If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Communication & Persuasion
Better understated than overstated. Let people be surprised that it was more than you promised and easier than you said.

For effective communication, use brevity. Jesus said, "Follow me." Now that's brief! He could be brief because of all that he was that he didn't have to say.

You cannot speak that which you do not know. You cannot share that which you do not feel. You cannot translate that which you do not have. And you cannot give that which you do not possess. To give it and to share it, and for it to be effective, you first need to have it. Good communication starts with good preparation.

The goal of effective communication should be for listeners to say, "Me, too!" verses "So what?"

Learn to express, not impress.

Be brief on the logic and reason portion of your presentation. There are probably about a thousand facts about an automobile, but you don't need them all to make a decision. About a half dozen will do.

Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.

What is powerful is when what you say is just the tip of the iceberg of what you know.

It's not the matter you cover so much as it is the manner in which you cover it.

For effective communication, use brevity. Jesus said, "Follow me." Now that's brief! He could be brief because of all that he was that he didn't have to say.

You cannot speak that which you do not know. You cannot share that which you do not feel. You cannot translate that which you do not have. And you cannot give that which you do not possess. To give it and to share it, and for it to be effective, you first need to have it. Good communication starts with good preparation.

The goal of effective communication should be for listeners to say, "Me, too!" verses "So what?"

Learn to express, not impress.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



The best advice I ever came across on the subject of concentration is: Wherever you are, be there.

When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't mix the two.

Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of attention.

On the way to work, concentrate on the way - not the work.

Pay attention. Don't just stagger through the day.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Desire & Motivation
Humans have the remarkable ability to get exactly what they must have. But there is a difference between a "must" and a "want."

The best motivation is self-motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone would come by and turn me on." What if they don't show up? You've got to have a better plan for your life.

When you know what you want, and you want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.

Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot.

Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.

All disciplines affect each other. Mistakenly the man says, "This is the only area where I let down." Not true. Every let down affects the rest. Not to think so is naive.

Discipline is the foundation upon which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure.

Discipline has within it the potential for creating future miracles.

The best time to set up a new discipline is when the idea is strong.

One discipline always leads to another discipline.

Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.

You don't have to change that much for it to make a great deal of difference. A few simple disciplines can have a major impact on how your life works out in the next 90 days, let alone in the next 12 months or the next 3 years.

The least lack of discipline starts to erode our self-esteem.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Education & Learning
Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.

We must learn to apply all that we know so that we can attract all that we want.

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.

If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.

Don't see the mind for more than it is, but don't misread it for all that it can be.

Sharpen your interest in two major subjects: life and people. You will only gather information from a source if you are interested in it.

Education must precede motivation.

While you are in school, make sure you get the information. What you think about it, that's up to you. What you are going to do with it that will soon be up to you. But while you are there, make sure you get it. In fact, my advice is – Don't leave school without it!

Never begrudge the money you spend on your own education.

If you step up the self-education curve, you will come up with more answers than you can use.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Emotions will either serve or master, depending on who is in charge.

Our emotions need to be as educated as our intellect. It is important to know how to feel, how to respond, and how to let life in so that it can touch you.

Civilization is the intelligent management of human emotions.

Measure your emotions. You don't need an atomic explosion for a minor point.

Women have an incredible ability to pick up on emotional signals. For example, there are some wolves that are so clever they have learned to dress up like sheep. Man says, "Looks like a sheep. Talks like a sheep." Woman says, "Ain't no sheep!"

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Empathy & Caring
Show your contempt for the problem and your concern for the person.

Be sensitive to the plight of others. You have to know about the tragedies as well as the triumphs, the failures as well as the success.

How do you build a bridge between age 12 and age 40? By remembering.

One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of attention.

The more you care, the stronger you can be.

Don't operate on the heart with a hatchet.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



"Human beings have the remarkable ability to turn nothing into something. They can turn weeds into gardens and pennies into fortunes."

"Enterprise is better than ease."

"Showing a profit means touching something and leaving it better than you found it."

"Enterprise is the hope of our future."

"Profits are better than wages. Wages make you a living; profits make you a fortune."

"We all know a variety of ways to make a living. What's even more fascinating is figuring out ways to make a fortune."

"Kids ought to have two bicycles, one to ride and one to rent."

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experiences and invest them in the future.

Don't let the learning from your own experiences take too long. If you have been doing it wrong for the last ten years, I would suggest that's long enough!

Life is not just the passing of time. Life is the collection of experiences and their intensity.

It's easy to carry the past as a burden instead of a school. It's easy to let it overwhelm you instead of educate you.

Be like a sponge when it comes to each new experience. If you want to be able to express it well, you must first be able to absorb it well.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.

Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.

Don't take the casual approach to life. Casualness leads to casualties.

Success is the study of the obvious. Everyone should take Obvious I and Obvious II in school.

It's too bad failures don't give seminars. Wouldn't that be valuable? If you meet a guy who has messed up his life for forty years, you've just got to say, "John, if I bring my journal and promise to take good notes, would you spend a day with me?"

Success is not so much what we have as it is what we are.

Success is 20% skills and 80% strategy. You might know how to read, but more importantly, what's your plan to read?

Average people look for ways of getting away with it; successful people look for ways of getting on with it.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Fascination is one step beyond interest. Interested people want to know if it works. Fascinated people want to learn how it works.

Learn how to turn frustration into fascination. You will learn more being fascinated by life than you will by being frustrated by it.

I'm on my way to the airport to catch a plane that leaves in 45 minutes. The traffic is not moving one inch. I am now fascinated - not frustrated, but fascinated. But I must admit, it doesn't work every time.

Develop a childlike fascination with life and people.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Financial Independence
Shortly after I met my mentor he asked me, "Mr. Rohn, how much money have you saved and invested over the last six years?" And I said, "None." He then asked, "Who sold you on that plan?"

It is better to be a lender than a spender.

To become financially independent you must turn part of your income into capital; turn capital into enterprise; turn enterprise into profit; turn profit into investment; and turn investment into financial independence.

Financial independence is the ability to live from the income of your own personal resources.

If you depend on your company to take care of your retirement, your future income will be divided by five. Take care of it yourself, and you can multiply your future income by five.

I remember saying to my mentor, "If I had more money, I would have a better plan." He quickly responded, "I would suggest that if you had a better plan, you would have more money." You see, it's not the amount that counts; it's the plan that counts.

If you were to show me your current financial plan, would I get so excited by it that I would go across the country and lecture on it? If the answer is no, then here's my question: "Why not"? Why wouldn't you have a superior financial plan that is taking you to the places you want to go?

I used to say, "Things cost too much." Then my teacher straightened me out on that by saying, "The problem isn't that things cost too much. The problem is that you can't afford it." That's when I finally understood that the problem wasn't "it" – the problem was "me."

The Bible says that it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. It doesn't say that it is impossible!

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Giving / Sharing / Generosity
It's best to start the discipline of generosity when the amounts are small. It's easy to give ten cents out of a dollar; it's a little harder to give a hundred thousand out of a million.

Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process.

Nothing teaches character better than generosity.

Here's what is exciting about sharing ideas with others: If you share a new idea with ten people, they get to hear it once and you get to hear it ten times.

Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in.

Somebody says, "Well, I can't be concerned about other people. About the best I can do is to take care of myself." Well, then you will always be poor.

What you give becomes an investment that will return to you multiplied at some point in the future.

When somebody shares, everybody wins.

The amount you give isn't important. What matters is what that amount represents in terms of your life.

Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Goals & Goal Setting
The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get.

When Andrew Carnegie died, they discovered a sheet of paper upon which he had written one of the major goals of his life: to spend the first half of his life accumulating money and to spend the last half of his life giving it all away. And he did!

Some people are disturbed by those tough days because all they have is the days. They haven't designed or described or defined the future.

Goals. There's no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There's no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there's no telling what will happen when you act upon them.

We all need lots of powerful long-range goals to help us past the short-term obstacles.

The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them.

Don't set your goals too low. If you don't need much, you won't become much.

If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.

We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.

Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for. Happiness is something you design.

How sad to see a father with money and no joy. The man studied economics, but never studied happiness.

The greatest source of unhappiness comes from inside.

Happiness is the art of learning how to get joy from your substance.

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Some people don't do well simply because they don't feel well.

Some people take better care of their pets than they do themselves. Their animals can run like the wind and they can barely make it up a flight of stairs.

Make sure the outside of you is a good reflection of the inside of you.

Treat your body like a temple, not a woodshed. The mind and body work together. Your body needs to be a good support system for the mind and spirit. If you take good care of it, your body can take you wherever you want to go, with the power and strength and energy and vitality you will need to get there.

Take good care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



If you wish to find, you must search. Rarely does a good idea interrupt you.

Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need is just one more good idea.

Ideas are information taking shape.

When a new idea comes our way, we must put it on our mental scales and weigh it carefully before deciding its value.

One of the secrets to success is ideas mixed with inspiration.

Nothing is more powerful for your future than being a gatherer of good ideas and information. That's called doing your homework.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Influence/AssociationThere are two parts to influence: first, influence is powerful; and second, influence is subtle. You wouldn't let someone push you off course, but you might let someone nudge you off course and not even realize it.

We need a variety of input and influence and voices. You cannot get all the answers to life and business from one person or from one source.

Attitude is greatly shaped by influence and association.

Don't spend most of your time on the voices that don't count. Tune out the shallow voices so that you will have more time to tune in the valuable ones.

"No" puts distance between you and the wrong influence.

You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?

Don't join an easy crowd; you won't grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.

Some people you can afford to spend a few minutes with, but not a few hours.

Get around people who have something of value to share with you. Their impact will continue to have a significant effect on your life long after they have departed.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Be a collector of good ideas, but don't trust your memory. The best collecting place for all of the ideas and information that comes your way is your journal.

The reason why I spend so much money for my journals is to press me to find something valuable to put in them.

There are three things to leave behind: your photographs, your library and your personal journals. These things are certainly going to be more valuable to future generations than your furniture!

Don't use your mind for a filing cabinet. Use your mind to work out problems and find answers; file away good ideas in your journal.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



How many languages can a child learn? As many as you will take the time to teach them.

Even kids can get started on becoming financially independent. Kids can make profits long before they can legitimately earn wages.

Kids ought to have two bicycles: one to ride and one to rent.

Kids don´t lack capacity, only teachers.

I teach kids how to be rich by the time they are age 40, 35 if they are extra bright. Most kids think they are extra bright, so they go for 35.

What should a child do with a dollar? Here´s one philosophy: It´s only a child and it´s only a dollar, so what difference does it make? Wow, what a philosophy! Where do you suppose everything starts for the future? Here´s where it starts – it starts with a child and a dollar. You say, “Well, he´s only a child once. Let him spend it all.’ Well, when would you hope that would stop? When he´s fifty and broke like you?

If kids clearly see the promise, they will gladly pay the price.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Leadership & Management
"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly."

"We must learn to help those who deserve it, not just those who need it. Life responds to deserve not need."

"My mentor said, 'Let's go do it', not 'You go do it'. How powerful when someone says, 'Let's!'"

"Good people are found not changed. Recently I read a headline that said, "We don't teach people to be nice. We simply hire nice people." Wow! What a clever short cut."

"Managers help people see themselves as they are; Leaders help people to see themselves better than they are."

"Learn to help people with more than just their jobs: help them with their lives."

Leaders, whether in the family, in business, in government, or in education, must not allow themselves to mistake intentions for accomplishments.

Managers help people to see themselves as they are. Leaders help people to see themselves better than they are.

Leaders must not be naive. I used to say, "Liars shouldn't lie." What a sad waste of words that is! I found out liars are supposed to lie. That's why we call them liars -- they lie! What else would you expect them to do?

We must learn to help those who deserve it, not just those who need it. Life responds to deserve not need.

My mentor said, "Let's go do it," not "You go do it." How powerful when someone says, "Let's"!

Leaders must understand that some people will inevitably sellout to the evil side. Don't waste your time wondering why; spend your time discovering who.

When dealing with people, I generally take the obvious approach. When someone says, "This always happens to me and that always happens to me. Why do these things always happen to me?" I simply say, "Beats me. I don't know. All I know is that those kinds of things seem to happen to people like you."

We could all use a little coaching. When you're playing the game, it's hard to think of everything.

A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.

As a leader you should always start with where people are before you try to take them to where you want them to go.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.

Lifestyle is the art of discovering ways to live uniquely.

Some people have learned to earn well, but they haven't learned to live well.

Earn as much money as you possibly can and as quickly as you can. The sooner you get money out of the way, the sooner you will be able to get to the rest of your problems in style.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



We've all heard the expression, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Well, I've got a good question for you: What if it's true? Wouldn't that be easy to do - to eat an apple a day? Here's the problem: It's also easy not to do.

Neglect starts out as an infection then becomes a disease.

Cardiovascular problems alone in America create over a thousand funerals a day... and 90% of the problem is neglect.

One of the reasons many people don't have what they want is neglect.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Overcoming the Negative
We must all wage an intense, lifelong battle against the constant downward pull. If we relax, the bugs and weeds of negativity will move into the garden and take away everything of value.

Humility is a virtue; timidity is a disease.

If you spend five minutes complaining, you have just wasted five minutes. If you continue complaining, it won’t be long before they haul you out to a financial desert and there let you choke on the dust of your own regret.

You cannot take the mild approach to the weeds in your mental garden. You have got to hate weeds enough to kill them. Weeds are not something you handle; weeds are something you devastate.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Parenting & Relationships
One person caring about another represents life's greatest value.

Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.

The greatest gift you can give to somebody is your own personal development. I used to say, "If you will take care of me, I will take care of you." Now I say, "I will take care of me for you if you will take care of you for me"

The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy. You cannot succeed by yourself. It's hard to find a rich hermit.

There is no greater leadership challenge than parenting.

If you talk to your children, you can help them to keep their lives together. If you talk to them skillfully, you can help them to build future dreams.

Leadership is the great challenge of the 21st century in science, politics, education, and industry. But the greatest challenge in leadership is parenting. We need to do more than just get our enterprises ready for the challenges of the twenty-first century. We also need to get our children ready for the challenges of the 21st century.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Perseverance & Persistence
It takes time to build a corporate work of art. It takes time to build a life. And it takes time to develop and grow. So give yourself, your enterprise, and your family the time they deserve and the time they require.

Americans are incredibly impatient. Someone once said that the shortest period of time in America is the time between when the light turns green and when you hear the first horn honk.

The twin killers of success are impatience and greed.

How long should you try? Until.

Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you've signed up for a season, see it through. You don't have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Personal Development
To attract attractive people, you must be attractive. To attract powerful people, you must be powerful. To attract committed people, you must be committed. Instead of going to work on them, you go to work on yourself. If you become, you can attract.

We can have more than we've got because we can become more than we are.

The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit.

Pity the man who inherits a million dollars and who isn't a millionaire. Here's what would be pitiful: If your income grew and you didn't.

The most important question to ask on the job is not "What am I getting?" The most important question to ask on the job is "What am I becoming?"

It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development.

After you become a millionaire, you can give all of your money away because what's important is not the million dollars; what's important is the person you have become in the process of becoming a millionaire.

Income seldom exceeds personal development.

What you become directly influences what you get.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Personal Philosophy
Economic disaster begins with a philosophy of doing less and wanting more.

If you want to amend your errors, you must begin by amending your philosophy.

The only thing worse than not reading a book in the last ninety days is not reading a book in the last ninety days and thinking that it doesn't matter.

Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out.

Initial response illustrates a great deal about someone's personal philosophy.

Only human beings can reorder their lives any day they choose by refining their philosophy.

The key factor that will determine your financial future is not the economy; the key factor is your philosophy.

Don't borrow someone else's plan. Develop your own philosophy and it will lead you to unique places.

If you learn to set a good sail, the wind that blows will always take you to the dreams you want, the income you want, and the treasures of mind, purse, and soul you want.

Your philosophy determines whether you will go for the disciplines or continue the errors.

Philosophy is the sum total of all that you know and what you decide is valuable.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Personal Responsibility
Don't become a victim of yourself. Forget about the thief waiting in the alley; what about the thief in your mind?

It is not what happens that determines the major part of your future. What happens, happens to us all. It is what you do about what happens that counts.

You say, "The country is messed up." That's like cursing the soil and the seed and the sunshine and the rain, which is all you've got. Don't curse all you've got. When you get your own planet, you can rearrange this whole deal. This one you've got to take like it comes.

Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don't use their excuses. Take charge of your own life.

Take advice, but not orders. Only give yourself orders. Abraham Lincoln once said, "Since I will be no one's slave, I will be no one's master."

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. You don't have charge of the constellations, but you do have charge of whether you read, develop new skills, and take new classes.

Your paycheck is not your employer's responsibility, it's your responsibility. Your employer has no control over your value, but you do.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they may have planned for you? Not much.

The reason why most people face the future with apprehension instead of anticipation is because they don't have it well designed.

The guy says, "When you work where I work, by the time you get home, it's late. You've got to have a bite to eat, watch a little TV, relax and get to bed. You can't sit up half the night planning, planning, planning." And he's the same guy who is behind on his car payment!

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Problem Solving
To solve any problem, there are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, whom could I ask?

The real problem is usually two or three questions deep. If you want to go after someone's problem, be aware that most people aren't going to reveal what the real problem is after the first question.

Neil Armstrong once said, "You only have to solve two problems when going to the moon: first, how to get there; and second, how to get back. The key is don't leave until you have solved both problems."

Never attack a problem without also presenting a solution.

The best place to solve a problem is on paper.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Each of us must be committed to maintaining the reputation of all of us. And all of us must be committed to maintaining the reputation of each of us.

Accuracy builds credibility.

The Bible gives us a list of human stories on both sides of the ledger. One list of human stories is used as examples – do what these people did. Another list of human stories is used as warnings - don't do what these people did. So if your story ever gets in one of these books, make sure they use it as an example, not a warning.

It only takes one lie to taint your entire testimony in a court of law. Honesty is a vital part of having a good reputation.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



At the end of each day, you should play back the tapes of your performance. The results should either applaud you or prod you.

The greatest form of maturity is at harvest time. This is when we must learn how to reap without complaint if the amounts are small and how to reap without apology if the amounts are big.

Life asks us to make measurable progress in reasonable time. That's why they make those fourth grade chairs so small – so you won't fit in them at age twenty-five!

There are some things you don't have to know how it works - only that it works. While some people are studying the roots, others are picking the fruit. It just depends on which end of this you want to get in on.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



One customer, well taken care of, could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising.

Good service leads to multiple sales. If you take good care of your customers, they will open doors you could never open by yourself.

How do you deserve a fortune? Render fortunes of service.

You have to do more than you get paid for because that's where the fortune is.

Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness - great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation and great joy.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Skills & SalesDon´t wish it was easier; wish you were better. Don´t wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don´t wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom.

You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.

You can cut down a tree with a hammer, but it takes about 30 days. If you trade the hammer for an ax, you can cut it down in about 30 minutes. The difference between 30 days and 30 minutes is skill.

The key to life is to become skillful enough to be able to do rewarding things.

Learn to hide your need and show your skill.

To succeed in sales, simply talk to lots of people every day. And here´s what´s exciting - there are lots of people!

Practice is just as valuable as a sale. The sale will make you a living; the skill will make you a fortune.

Selling is a person-to-person business. You cannot send the sales manual out to make the sale. Sales manuals have no legs and no voice.

In the sales profession the real work begins after the sale is made.

Sales people should take lessons from their kids. What does the word "no" mean to a child? Almost nothing.

Even if you are new in sales, you can make up in numbers what you lack in skills.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Most people are just trying to get through the day. Sophisticated people learn how to get from the day.

Sophistication is understanding the difference between trinkets and treasures.

Don't spend major money on minor things. In the last ten years the guy has bought two tons of donuts and only two books - and the books are primarily filled with pictures.

Sophisticated people don't leave early. The man says, "Yeah, but I want to beat the traffic." Isn't that a great skill to have - beating the traffic!

It doesn't take a million dollars to learn the difference between a bottle of fine wine and Pepsi. Sophistication is a study not an amount.

One of the early signs of sophistication is not giving way to all inclinations but rather sending your emotions to school so they will learn how to behave.

Money doesn't make you sophisticated. Only study and practice make you sophisticated. Even people of modest means can become sophisticated because it is within study and practice. How much is a night out at the symphony? About thirty dollars. You say, "Poor people can't afford thirty dollars to go to the symphony." Yes, they can. It's only thirty Hershey bars!

We must teach our children not to spend their money a dollar at a time. If you spend your money a dollar at a time, you'll wind up with trinkets instead of treasures. You can't buy much of value a dollar at a time.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Sowing and Reaping
You must get good at one of two things: sowing in the spring or begging in the fall.

God has the tough end of the deal. What if instead of planting the seed you had to make the tree? That would keep you up late at night, trying to figure that one out.

Plant, don't chant.

One of my good friends always says, "Things don't just happen; things happen just."

The soil says, "Don't bring me your need, bring me your seed."

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



How much should you earn? As much as you possibly can. It doesn't matter whether you earn $10,000 a year or $100,000 a year as long as you've done the best you can.

The man says, "If I had a fortune, I'd take good care of it. But I only have a paycheck and I don't know where it all goes." Wouldn't you love to have him running your company?

If you wish to have power and influence over the many, be faithful (disciplined) when there are just a few. If you have a few employees, a few distributors, a few people, that's the time to stay in touch and be totally absorbed - when there is just a few.

Start from wherever you are and with whatever you've got.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Success and Failure
Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.

Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.

Don't take the casual approach to life. Casualness leads to casualties.

Success is the study of the obvious. Everyone should take Obvious I and Obvious II in school.

It's too bad failures don't give seminars. Wouldn't that be valuable? If you meet a guy who has messed up his life for forty years, you've just got to say, "John, if I bring my journal and promise to take good notes, would you spend a day with me?"

Success is not so much what we have as it is what we are.

Success is 20% skills and 80% strategy. You might know how to read, but more importantly, what's your plan to read?

Average people look for ways of getting away with it; successful people look for ways of getting on with it.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Time Management
Something will master and something will serve. Either you run the day or the day runs you; either you run the business or the business runs you.

Learn how to separate the majors and the minors. A lot of people don't do well simply because they major in minor things.

Don't mistake movement for achievement. It's easy to get faked out by being busy. The question is: Busy doing what?

Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.

Sometimes you need to stay in touch but be out of reach.

Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it.

We can no more afford to spend major time on minor things than we can to spend minor time on major things.

Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.

Never begin the day until it is finished on paper.

Learn how to say no. Don't let your mouth overload your back.

Time is the best-kept secret of the rich.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Very few of us are authorities on the truth. About the closest that any of us can get is what we hope is the truth or what we think is the truth. That's why the best approach to truth is probably to say, "It seems to me..."

There is nothing wrong with affirmations, provided what you are affirming is the truth. If you are broke, for example, the best thing to affirm is, "I'm broke!"

If the truth isn't enough, then you must become stronger at presenting it.

Sincerity is not a test of truth. We must not make this mistake: He must be right; he's so sincere. Because, it is possible to be sincerely wrong. We can only judge truth by truth and sincerity by sincerity.

Find someone who is willing to share the truth with you.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become. That is why I wish to pay fair price for every value. If I have to pay for it or earn it, that makes something of me. If I get it for free, that makes nothing of me.

All values must be won by contest, and after they have been won, they must be defended.

Don't sell out your virtue and your value for something you think you want. Judas got the money, but he threw it all away and hung himself because he was so unhappy with himself.

Values were meant to be costly. If it doesn't cost much, we probably wouldn't appreciate the value.

Count the cost first. Don't pay too big a price for pursuing minor values.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Values & Reputation
The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become. That is why I wish to pay fair price for every value. If I have to pay for it or earn it, that makes something of me. If I get it for free, that makes nothing of me.

All values must be won by contest, and after they have been won, they must be defended.

Don't sell out your virtue and your value for something you think you want. Judas got the money, but he threw it all away and hung himself because he was so unhappy with himself.

Values were meant to be costly. If it doesn't cost much, we probably wouldn't appreciate the value.

Count the cost first. Don't pay too big a price for pursuing minor values.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.



Words & Vocabulary
The two great words of antiquity are behold and beware. Behold the possibilities and beware the temptations.

Vocabulary enables us to interpret and to express. If you have a limited vocabulary, you will also have a limited vision and a limited future.

Well chosen words mixed with measured emotions is the basis of affecting people.

It´s okay to send flowers, but don´t let the flowers do all the talking. Flowers have a limited vocabulary. About the best flowers can say is that you remembered. But your words tell the rest.

Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.

Please include the following Credit Statement when reprinting in any form:

Quotes by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher, reprinted with permission from Jim Rohn International ©2010.
As a world-renowned author and success expert, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives during his 46-year career as a motivational speaker and messenger of positive life change.
For more information on Jim and his popular personal achievement resources or to subscribe to the weekly Jim Rohn Newsletter, visit www.JimRohn.com.