(what the heck is a "Ch IRSTmas" ? Typo above :D )

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


geez - who moved the date up - seems like just yesterday it was March ...

guess what I'll be doing the next couple days?

or should I say "daze" ...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bonanzle thread

Hey fellow Bonanzlers and any others viewing this (waves to Bill and Mark)

I think this is the thread that Pace was talking about that was deleted / venemous ...

I only saved up to ECB's post on page 8 before another shiny monkey caught my eye that day, so if there was more after ECB - sorry 'bout that ... but I think this captures the main jist of the topic ... if this was indeed the thread that Pace was talking about ... over there ... that day ... that dark day ...

I'll try to edit this later, with all the neato pics - otherwise some of the posts won't make any sense (some didn't say anything in their post, just posted a pic, which when I simply copied/pasted, it didn't transfer the pics to their post, so it looks a little strange)

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Please remind me where to go to edit Product_type attribute
182 post(s), 36 voice(s) Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

since there has been a major screw up via Bonz in this dept. which has recently ruined my google search (where i get 98% of my sales and views). I need to go and edit everyone—-like I have time for this nonsense. But it is a must and i forget where to go now.
And please; do not tell me I don’t have to do this because Bonanzle does it automatically for me-that is just the problemo; they did it wrong.

Is it batch editor Barn?

It is in the batch editor. Use the Search Optimizer option to remove or add attributes.


@Barn: you are probably too busy repairing the damage to answer this in depth, but exactly WHAT happened to the attribute? What did Bonz do?

fill us in Barn..so we know what to look for

Barn if you go to batch edit, search optimization, you can add product_type attribute which will override the one entered by Bonz.
Adding, when you go into batch edit you will not see the product type in your attributes as it is entered by bonz on submission to goole, but if you enter your own it will be the one submitted.

oh good that is what i need to do, override there’s. do you know this for a fact? because if they reupload to google every so often will they override what i put in. i can’t handle having to redo 1050 or so items individually again. can anybody definitively answer that. got a customer. i will enlighten you all shortly as to the problems. i’m sure you noticed over the last month your big decrease in views. it wasnt the economy or your faults

I do my own product_type and it overrides theirs. I check on them regularly to be sure of this.
Yes, I noticed the same drop, did some research and have been experimenting with this for awhile now, so yes definitely it over-rides theirs.
Anywhere from a few hours to a day after you change them you will be able to check them using the google base tool.
Here is a handy link to use for your taxonomy.

thank you tremendously avacado you are my hero.
I was hoping that the Boyz and Girlz (since Elizabeth is on the team would of addressed this glitch immediately) I was hoping by now and this post they would. I will try to explain this occurrence in my untechy way.
It appears that folks have had a 25-50% decrease in google hits.
About 2 months ago Google changed their formatting for [[Product_types]].
Bill had checked on this just prior to the change and assumed all was well. (I think staying on top of Google and its dynamic formatting and rules should be a daily endeavor; nonetheless).
So Bonz was sending the old format that appears to be too specific and confused the product with the brands attribute. Elizabeth was on it and enlightened Bill bout this “brand bug” but 2 mos too late.
Bill has corrected the problem and all future listings as of April 8 are supposedly ok. But all the [[product_types]] prior?
And yes as we have been educated by some astute folks above, these are correctable via search Optimizer via batch editor and will over ride bonz’s bona’s; it is tedious time consuming work to edit every item.
One should check the attribute [[brand]] and see if it is messed up too.
ECB has told me that hers was a mess, sales were down, and is editing her items. You should aslo know that she is most meticulous about her stats and sales.
I would hope that Elizabeth would be granted permission from Bill to enlighten you all in tech talk to expound upon what i have tried to describe AND most importantly tell HOW TO CORRECT THIS ERROR????
hopefully i will not be sent to the Bastille for being dramatic. but to me this is a drama and not of my own doing and i’m really upset.
Rule # one in my running a business is to stay on top and check and recheck those that you are subserviant to for changes good and bad in a dynamic sales invironment especially.

having a duh moment..where do I look to see what product types have been listed?

Barntiques, thanks for this info.
@Avocado Lane Great link. Thank you.

This is the link to the google base tool where you can search your item to find out what attributes are submitted for it and also see others/competitors to see what they have.
Hope this helps.

thank you

How do you add the [[product_type:]]
Do you use the whole Google Taxonomy?? For example, for a Wii Video Game:
Is it [[product_type:Wii Games]]
Is it [[product_type:Software > Video Game Software > Wii Games]]

Yes you can enter the whole google taxonomy or as the instructions above it state “When in doubt, use only one category.”
Be sure to read the instructions on the page.
When you expand the categories and click on the last one there it will place it in the space above the list, so you can just copy and paste it, but do not copy the qoutations marks. You do not need those for here.

Thank you Barn and Avo.

If you have checked yours using the google base tool and do not have anything wrong you may not have to do this at all.
I would not suggest doing it unless necessary, and even then do a couple to experiment before making any major changes.

Posted by MommyOf2QTs:
Thanks Avocado! I will copy and paste the entire taxonomy (without quotes that is).
Ok, I’ll check first. But I did on the Wii game and all it has was
Video Games > Games
which I guess is OK but shouldn’t it break it down further by at least platform type (i.e. Wii Games)

mine appear to be showing in the right cat’s but what I do notice is that those who do no extra or very few att’s are higher ranking

Thanks all for posting this info.
Gotta read up on it.

That is exactly what I have noticed sofy. It appears that the ones with only one value (at least for me) seem to be ranking higher and it takes fewer search words to find them on Google. I am beginning to think less is better here, but I am also experimenting with others to see what happens over a period of time.

the [[brand:wii]]…the brand is Wii
the [[product_type:video game]]…product type is a video game.

I started a thread abt this , maybe a week ago that all of a sudden my google ranking tanked big time..that it seemed that ebay, tias and go antiques just plopped right on top of us.

Yes, I noticed the same thing, as have many others. That is what prompted my obsession with studying my product type on google began. It has become an addiction lately.
ECB noticed the brand tagging itself to the end of her product type, and that her brand would have new or pink or some other value that was not relevant.
I had one where I had filled in the material trait as cotton and it translated to an attribute of Brand:Cotton.

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Avocado, when the brand trait/attribute screws up does it just show the wrong one like brand:cotton if you look it up in google or will it also show if you check your attributes in search optimize in batch ... cause that sure would be easier and faster.
However, if you do not have traits for an item this shouldn’t be an issue, am I correct?
If so guess I will stop complaining that most of my items do not have traits yet

I reported a major drop in sales on March 8th and support advised that all was ok on their end. Sales have still not picked up to the level they were at before March 1st. I have also heard that as many as 50 other sellers had reported the same thing to another member, so I knew it had to be something major that was effecting us.

Pugs, all of the attributes other than product type show in batch edit and off the top of my head item number I believe.
yes it is an issue you need to check if you have placed your items in categories here also because I have noticed sometimes the taxonomy does not appear to match googles breakdown or my items are not visible on google shopping unless I search the exact title (and on a book title this should not be an issue of the title being wrong).
I have also logged and noticed that if I change the attributes on the brand that are wrong and change my product type value to either a simple single one or two that the rank is better within a day or two in some instances.
This is why I say for everyone to check and see if in fact you do have a problem, and if so correct it, but please take time to read, read, read some more, experiment and ask questions before just going in and making any major changes to your attributes all at one time.

yes, I searched a book of mine the other day with the title and authors last name.. it did not come up, 8 did and none were mine, I put in the exact title and it did, very odd
well this is quite disheartening, my sales also saw a drop however due to real world work I will be unable to check and correct about 800 listing (total all booths) at this time
gee, I thought I had already done my part of all this.. so, I guess for about 2 weeks mine will have to remain wrong :(
but thank you avocado and all who have worked on this, at least now we know
and my sympathy to all those with more listings to fix than I have

this is where to download googles taxonomy and product-type info i hope it helps

Well I believe due to great communication on the part of ECB that the new listings will not have a problem. Not all will be affected by this, and all we can do at this point is use batch edit to help fix the ones we need to.
I am copying and pasting the instructions from this link and would again strongly suggest reading them before trying to change anything. http://www.google.com/support/merchants/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=160081

The Google product taxonomy is a tree of categories that describe product families.
At the highest level, it is arranged into a few verticals, which refer to broad categories of products
(Electronics, Home & Garden, etc).
The “children” of these broad categories are more specific product families
(Electronics > Audio)
or specific products
(Electronics > Audio > Audio Players & Recorders > MP3 Players).
Please note the following when choosing your categories:

Please use the category that best describes your item. For a specific category like MP3 Players, it should only contain MP3 players. For MP3 accessories, you can classify them as
Electronics > Audio > Audio Accessories > MP3 Player Accessories.
On the other hand, a category like
Sporting Goods > Indoor Games > Bowling
describes a family of products, and so can contain anything related to bowling.

In some cases, you might want to use more than one category.
For example, an adapter to allow an MP3 player to be used in a car could have both product types
Motor Vehicles > Audio & Video and Electronics > Audio > Audio Accessories > MP3 Player Accessories.
On the other hand, ice skates should have the product type
Sporting Goods > Team Sports > Hockey > Ice Hockey Skates
but not
Clothing & Accessories > Footwear
because while they go on the feet, a shopper wanting to buy sneakers or shoes would not want to purchase ice skates instead. When in doubt, use only one category.

If the taxonomy does not contain the specific product type you’re looking for, we recommend you extend the taxonomy to express the desired level of detail.
For example, if you have hang gliding equipment that is already separated by type, rather than place it all into
Sporting Goods > Air Sports > Hang Gliding
you could label glider parts as
Sporting Goods > Air Sports > Hang Gliding > Hang Glider Parts
or be even more specific.
Alternatively you may use a more general category such as
Sporting Goods > Air Sports
for an air sport not listed in the taxonomy.

When using your own categories, we prefer a category with full “breadcrumb” information.
For example,
Books > Non-Fiction > Sports > Baseball
is better than Baseball.
Any separator such as > or / may be used.

We occasionally update the taxonomy in response to merchant feedback and to add more detailed product types. If you have already adopted an older version, please feel free to continue using it.

LOL, Barn we were typing at the same time

oy yoi yoi i need a drink, minus the garnish, ice, and mixer

Ok, MY head is spinning! Do we still use [[brand:acme]] – the brackets around the attribute? What’s with the ?
Maybe I need to go back to bed and start this day over again!
“Not Computer Savvy” Deb

Yes you still do your [[Brand:acme]], just check them in batch edit to be sure they are correct are not showing strange words.

Thank you all for your input on this vital information for all Bonanzle sellers.
Now, hopefully with some attribute editing, my items will be more or at least visible in products search. Some were showing up and some were not.
Also, item traits, in batch editor are very skimpy as far as my items go. Surely would like to see a little improvement in the collectibles area.

I just emailed support about this thread…

Oy is right.
A poster said this
Also, item traits, in batch editor are very skimpy as far as my items go. Surely would like to see a little improvement in the collectibles area.
Totally agree there.

My day is already ruined because I just dropped my camera and broke it. Dang it!

{{{{{{{Moms}}}}}}} sorry about your camera.

Sorry Moms.

Sorry about your camera. I know that could start a day off wrong.
As far as this is concerned, I would not let this ruin my day at all. Just as we have time we need to check our items and see if you need to do any corrections on the ones you listed prior to the April 8th. Check your brand attribute in batch editor to be sure it is correct would be a good place to start.
There really is nothing we can do about a mistake that happened but go about correcting any issues we have individually to be sure our items are optimized to the best of our ability.

I’m a little confused. I’m bookmarking for later. Gotta run out of the house.

“Elizabeth was on it and enlightened Bill bout this “brand bug” but 2 mos too late. Bill has correct the problem and all future listings as of April 8 are supposedly ok. But all the [[product_types]] prior?”
So if Bill knew about this “Problem”
Why were we not all told :( So what you are saying is any listing prior to April 8 could have a problem?

So what does this mean??
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘s Day Special Edition ’, ’US’, ‘products’, ’’, ’ at line 8

Yes Lori, any listing could have this problem.
I have had a few, and at first I thought that one would have to have the brand attribute to have the problem, but found that not to be the case because as per a previous post I listed a purse and set the material as cotton and it came out in my attributes as Brand:cotton.

Thank you Avocado
Off to check my listing! :(

Primary to know. I am google Illiterate. I am also at this time a little fishy (low amount of listings) in a big pond.
Steps Taken – SOS & plea for HELP to this great lady. Trust me my alter ego can be such a bore. I waited way to long to contact her.
Elizabeth is also a wonderful lady, but I suspect she has more than her hands full with her new job.
My Story which may Not be the case with this problem as I DO use the Bonanzle fed product_type attribute NOT my own.
AvocadoLane – Thank You – I also needed to know this just in case. *I do my own product_type and it Overrides Theirs. I check on them regularly to be sure of this.
In brief (LOL for me)
Previous to March 2010, I Never Showed Up at all or Not Well on Google Shopping.
I had Over gilded All attributes (added way to many). This action of mine drove the google spider or whatever it is into seizures. Google responded in kind by Not placing me in Google Shopping. My organic has always been spot on. Does not mean I sell anything, but spot on Organic placement.
I think *Avocado’s advise to go slow and careful is truly important which matches the kiss advise “my bitty brain” learned from Judy / bluepennylady.

Fixed Now – Example
Main Title
Large Old Asian Chinese Glazed Pottery Jar Pot Urn
Key Word Rich (we hope). Does place exactly where I want it on Google Organic.

Google Shopping shows my item As If Typed In By Buyer. I reduced title words to search below.
1. Large Old Asian Chinese Glazed Pottery Jar Pot Urn
1 only (me)

2. Old Asian Chinese Glazed Pottery Jar
3 items show with me.

3. Chinese Glazed Pottery Jar
13 Plus Pages Show with me. Top page billing for me.

Simplest of attributes used (kiss).
condition:used; style:pot; material:pottery; size:large; feature:glazed
Barns & Vintage & Mom’s
Oi vai iz mir! “barely expresses the stress” (Hey a poem)…

Hi Salvage, that is great information and advice under normal circumstances, but what we are discussing here is a glitch that occurred here on bonz that has caused some of us to have problems with our attributes not being correct due to Brand either being at the end of our product type and/or having the brand attribute show as a color, condition, or some other word.
If you have been working with Judy I am sure she would have noticed if you had this problem. She is great with google.

It’s going to be a long day :( I need more Pepsi!

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I think I need something stronger than Pepsi to get me through this. LMAO

I need something much stronger too.
Passing Ginger Ale out to those in need.

Passing 7 Up for mixing! LMAO

to add more confusion to the mix…if I go to batch>> optinize should I see product type if Bonanzle has done it?

I think I’ll hold off
this is too serious, need a clear head

I don’t think so Sofy I have never seen it. Would be nice if Bill could show us what he submitted for us.

no sofy, product type will never show in batch, but you can add it there and it will override whatever bill put in

Pugs do you have Tom the developers tool to check attributes? I can’t find my bookmark for it.

here ya go gladys

Thanks Pugs now I can see what Bill put in for me

Sofy no you will not see product type in the batch edit here, to see that I use the google base tool with the link provided above.


“This is the link to the google base tool where you can search your item to find out what attributes are submitted for it and also see others/competitors to see what they have.”

I re-read the OP post Avocado. Thank You again. I think I now better understand that some have glitch attribute errors created by a Bonz to google process . I will also go back and re-read again to make sure I really get the big picture in regard to this specific problem.
Your advise to go slow and cautious if a fix is needed is super information for the likes of me and I have copied your every word for future reference and honestly my very slow to understand, LOL.
My lowly example may only show Simple Can or May ? Help ? with the pain of the arduous revisions some may have to make to regain their google shopping placement. I can really only relate to Barns product type. Well actually I would like to be locked in her Barn overnight.

I’m w/ Pugs lol this is too serious, need a clear head..

@ Salvage. I love her items too.

Use the link that Pugs added to her post, then type in your username and all of your items will show up so you can see what product type is currently listed.

I apologize if this is a dumb question.
If I never assigned a [[product_type]] to any of my items, do I have anything to worry about?
Should I be adding [[product_type]] to all my items?
Your Friend,

Louie,yes you need to check them because our product types are fed by bonz based on our categories and traits, so the more indepth they go the more likely you are to have a few that are incorrect.
It is up to you whether you wish to do your own product type or use what Bonz is feeding for you, however, it never hurts to check on your items using the tool from link above and making sure things are working as they should be.

Thank You – Avocado. I appreciate it!
Your Friend,

Well, I’ve gone through about 10 pages of listings in the google tools link and saw no issues except that a few pictures are missing. I don’t have time to check every single listing that would take weeks.
Brands, where I provided a brand attribute, and all product types are showing up correctly for those I checked…

Okay I just checked all of my listings Shar thanks for that tip on searching our user names so I could see all my listings at once time saver!
I didn’t find any errors in this booth so off I go to check my other 2 booths.

That is great if you don’t find any then you are not one who was affected by this and will not have to do anything.

I popped in one of the sets of keywords I use, and my listings come up in the first and third listing.
That’s pretty good I think

did as Shar suggested and I don’t see any errors either

And yeah, after the night I had ( horrible) this is way to serious.
Didn’t get to sleep till after 4 this morning. I HATE stuff like that.

Avo do you think this is only affecting those who sell New items only?? Reason I ask is cause EBC sells new items and so do you and Elizabeth.
I just checked my other booths and they are fine as well.

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Mine are all good! Yeah
@Shar Thanks for the tip!!

I don’t have really thick hair to begin with…and now I’m pulling out some of those I have left…. OUCH!!
I’ve been looking at my listings/attributes via the link above (the tomthedeveloper link) and I’ve noticed that numerous of my items have a very general “product type” – that assigned by bonz, I guess.
So, I’m guessing that I didn’t assign one myself (since I’m more specific than the broad categories that Bonz uses). So I guess I’ll go in to those listings and use my own product type. My question is …
if I add attributes (product type or any other) to my listings, will it overwrite any that were already there? ie: will I have to enter ALL attributes again? I know, I know…this isn’t about the BRANDS glitch (my brands look ok so far), but a question re: google attributes in general. I have a few pictures missing…why would that be? The pic’s show up in my booth. Do I need to re-do the pic’s?
This thread has been very informative. I didn’t know about the link to check your attributes. (maybe I was better off? lol) I will continue checking my brand attributes, in the event any of them are totally whacked.
Thanks to all of you “top bonanzlers”!

No because I also sell used items and some of them were affected.
On some of my items they had the wrong brand attribute (one issue).
On other items I was not showing up in searches at all and when I started changing my product types to more simple values they started showing up and ranking pretty well (second seperate issue of categories/traits fed from here not following google suggested taxonomy or having too much info). This is an issue that I have been experimenting with because of the severe drop in traffic/sales that occurred to many of us recently.
So sorry to be so long-winded today.
There is not way of knowing who exactly was affected by it without checking, and it is not required that everyone check or do anything. It is just a good idea for those who are interested in doing so.

I don’t see that any of my items have anything assigned to them for [[product_type]]
I did just add some to a few of mine

Did you use the google base tool to check the product type Rayven. It does not show here on batch edit, so it will appear as if there are none unless you use the tool.
Whynotnow, no you do not need to redo your pictures. That is something that happens there and not much you can do about it.
As far as making changes to your product type, I would check first to see how your items are ranking on a product search and if they are doing well you may not need to change anything.

they have to have ray .. but you will only know by going to bob the builder
It’s assigned by bonz automatically… and is required by google, if there is not product type then it is not on google

Pugs I am late in reading all posted here I add my own product types in the batch editor, and in checking in bob the builder my product types are showing up…my question is should I use the “crumb trail” for product types or is for example "jewelry>bracelets OK….Which is better?

IMHO, from what I have been seeing less is better when it comes to product type.

So Avo if I have a Product_Type that reads:

PRODUCT_TYPE:Collectibles > Science & Medicine (1930-Now) > Scientific Instruments > Microscopes, Lab Equipment

That would cause issues?

Did you check it on the google taxonomy page to see what they suggest? I am not familiar with all categories and would not try to do anything other than what they have there or less in the line of product type.
IMO according to the chart if it does not match yes it could cause your item to rank low in shopping searches, but always check your items to see where they are showing compared to others of the same type. That is the truest test of what is or is not working for you.

HI all
There are 6 required attributes

link (unless it is google-hosted)

product_type is recommended but the item will publish without it.
Just like an item will publish without weight.
You all please do check the Tom the Developers google analysis tool.
Not everyones’ product_types have been affected.
Now Eyecatchingbeauty as Barns said bless her heart, hers are messed up. But not everyone’s are. So if there isn’t a problem, no need to work on the product_type. Not to mean that you should not monitor performance and adjust when necessary. Because you should
Google’s product_type taxonomy does not always perform well for everyone’s items. Some of the tiers are not well defined. And some items do not perform well using Bonanzle’s category structure either. So heed AVocados’ good advice. Apply slowly and watch to see what happens.
It takes 24 to 72 hours before any changes you make to a listing will process and publish. So be patient when checking for the changes. Once you hit the “Update booth” button it takes time to see how it is going to go.

I think I’m better off hiring Judy to check mine cause I can’t wrap my little noggin around this completely.

@Antiques..I have a major Excedrin headache
what is the product type for “migraine”

I’m jumping in late and have not read the entire thread but I thought the only “REQUIRED” attribute was condition. Has that now changed?
@Judy..are there now 6 required attributes?

if i’m correct, the product type that ends in a brand name gives us a lower standing on the shopping page? if this is so; do you think i can correct it by editing it under sell by changing the category and not going as far as to the name brand at the end? example:
For a Lalique item instead of:
[[product_type:Pottery & Glass > Glass> Art Glass > French >Laique]]
it should just be:
[[product_type:Pottery & Glass > Glasws > Art Glass >French]] and just use Lalique in the brand attribute?

When they added condition as required it jumped to 6. use to be 5.
Here is the link to the product type attributes


The product type attribute list is where avocado said.


And they can be downloaded into an excel spreadsheet..
But honestly you all, please be really careful when adding your own product_type attributes.
Do not use the quotes.. Even if the data feed is set to use quoted fields, which it probably is, it can still cause the listing to totally fail (be disapproved). It shows up in the xml file but will not publish because of the quotes around the product_type. And excel just really likes to add quotes.
So paste the taxonomy into notepad so you can remove the quotes.



Yes, I agree with being very careful and going slow as previously stated. This is not for everyone to do and I would not do them on items where there are not errors and ranking is decent.


I have to take a nap!
Too much for my brain for one day!

barns… where did you find out the product type that ends in a brand name gives us a lower standing on the shopping page?

judy I thought product type was
and if we do not put an item in a site category, which is product type it does not go to google
so, it that not because product type is required .. is it a bonz thing instead

@Barns…I’d pull Lalique from the product_type and put it in the [[brand:Lalique]]

Pugs You are correct about adding the Bonanzle category in order for the item to show up in the xml file sent to google. Completely correct.
However, if you were building your own file, the product_type attribute is not required to be included in the file.
Does it help? Absolutely. but it is not one of the attributes that if it were missing or invalid would get the feed disapproved.
I apologize for being confusing.


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“@Barns…I’d pull Lalique from the product_type and put it in the [[brand:Lalique]]”
Polzar, I do the same. I find short straight product type does better with my items.

Can’t sleep…keep hearing a siren, and flashing lights are burning my retina’s…

Ray girl whats wrong with you?? LOL! Do need a Pepsi?

LOL Antiques I was just wondering that same thing.

why is there a siren and what did I miss that is funny
oh well back to the matters at hand
thanks judy, it isn’t you.. google has never been simple or not confusing then you add in bonz and it just gets more situations to muddy the waters

I think Ray’s lost it. This probably sent her over the edge

>>>I think Ray’s lost it. This probably sent her over the edge<<<
that’s what happens when you stay so close to the edge

Just when I think I have it all figured out…(primal scream). My head is swimming. Maybe after I re-read it all again, it will stick.

LOL, don’t scream you might not even have anything to worry about. Not everyone was affected.
OMG, I love your penguins.

Good grief!
Some of mine have “new” as the brand.
Well time to shut my computer off and go back outside!

@ pennipete:that penquin is me getting hit by google, repeattedly since 12/08

Yep Casper, you have to fix those. Sorry you are one of us having to do this, but it is not so bad in batch edit.

oh heck am I too late? Is there a New problemo with google? Is this why I haven’t sold a thang in a week?
Just tell me, do I need to study this whole thread, please? :-/


Hmmmm… I wonder if this is also the culprit as to why my Bonanzle Booth bounce rate has skyrocketed in the past few weeks to 59.29% (compared w/ wbsite, essentially same store, different titles and descriptions which is at 16.47%.) Sales ratios similarly “different”.
I think I’ll wait for management to chime in before I do any fixin’.

well that is what many have been seeing oshun, so quite possibly so
pace .. read barn, avocados and judys post and you should have it

Ray honey you look scared! Take a deep breath,relax, relate, release
Repeat that several times till you get a hold of yourself.
Your gonna scare the newbies!

Ok, thank you-I must cut down on my reading to keep my eyes young and fresh

LOL pace .. I would have given you the short version, but I’m trying not to think that hard today

After reading this and trying to absorb some of it,
is it Brand McKee
for depression McKee glassware?
I am very lost.

yes maven, what ever the brand is
if McKee made it then that would be the brand attribute

Ok thanks Pugs. Even if McKee is no longer in business?
I had it as manufacturer McKee I think in my attributes.

Vintage I have found that a good way to find what others are using is to search the item in the Google Base tool in one window to see what others have for their attributes and search shopping in another window to see who is placing high on the list and then see what that person is using as their brand and product type.
I do not always make changes but have learned new things by doing comparisons.
I do not know on that particular item, but that is what I would do to figure out a few I was unsure of.

I always get lost when it comes to Google. I try and follow the advice the best I can. I did do a check on the site address that was given and my items came up so I think I am okay. I hope at least.
This is the link http://dev.tomthedeveloper.com/googlebase/ca/
that I followed to view the items.

Page 6 of 8

I need to go to google school!

Thanks Avocado for your help too.
I’m going to have to figure out how to do what you mentioned so I can grasp all this.
Thank you everyone.

maven.. yes, it matters not if they are still in business or not. That is who made it so that is the brand

Oh thanks Pugs.
Now I have to change the Fire-King stuff too I suppose
as well.
Had that under manufacturer too.
Thank you.
Edited to add this
when I put in MY user name Vintagemaven at that linked site, tom the developer thingy, a listing for a Fire-King Kimberly mug comes up that is from a different seller here.
Just thought I would mention that as I have no clue about most of this stuff.

I already made it thru google college and I have absolutely No Desire to go to Graduate School. Why is there a problem, at all? Bonanzle was supposedly feeding our items to google if we did our traits correctly, then we should be done.
Obviously the huge drop in sales is an indication of a problem, though, so what do I do? Go thru h3ll to go test every single listing, hire Judy or leave?

@Pace, I see Elizabeth and Mark out and about, I am sure someone will be along shortly to advise the best course of action.

ya think? sigh…I’m bout outa $team these days…

Pace seems to me that this is Bonanzle’s responsibility since they are in charge of the feeds. I don’t mind hiring Judy she’s saved my butt plenty of times.
Still if there is a problem Bonanzle should fix it and they need to be more proactive in keeping us informed of situations like this.

There are 29583 booths. Hiring Judy is not the answer.

That’s my point!

I spoke to soon. I decided to go take a last look before I logged out and sure enough, some of my items are showing strange attributes attached that I didn’t put there.
This had to have happened in just the last few hours for me anyway.
When I first saw this post, I went and looked at my listings through Batch edit and they were fine.
Decided to look again and now they are messed up as well.
Showing Cotton for the brand in some cases, showing bird as the brand on some others.
Geesh, like I needed more stress today with the major personal problems I’m having

I have tried to read this thread but my eyes aren’t working right yet. Can someone please put this in a nutshell so I know what to do?

well i’ve got to agree with you all.
this is a blatant oops on bonas part for not keeping up with Googles format change in [[product_types]] and thay’ve known since 04/08 and not aq word was uttered.
as a matter of fact we’d all be in the muck if Elizabeth weren’t on her toes.
and if your gonna wait; don’t hold your breath; i posted this early in the AM and judy did respond; sort of.
anyhow; if you want your #‘s up you should read this and follow through. I will share with you folks something i’ve just discovered in editing my individually listed itemss just today.
All the glassware IE depression, fenton, etc has a new subcategory added after the namebrand.
this was the problem or “brand bug” that Eliz. found and possibly the cure if you fall on it as i did. Go to your glassware item under edit or sell and click on your last entry in the category and there is a new choice to make to narrow/correct it. Did anyone know this???

Just wanted to add for those who may not be aware…make sure to address the brand correctly. There is a difference between brand and manufacturer.

[[brand:Goo Gone]] – [[manufacturer:Magic American Products]]
[[brand:Sentry]] – [[manufacturer:Sergeants]]
[[brand:Tylenol]] – [[manufacturer:McNeill Pharmacueticals]]

Cindy if you have the brand problem you will see it in batch edit under search optimization with a brand attribute showing up as an odd word it should not be, such as new, cotton, a color, or something like that. You will need to remove the wrong brand attribute and enter the correct one if you want it there. Hope that is in a nutshell.
And as Barn indicated some items have new breakdown in the categories to add that might help, but on some that is not the case, so you just have to poke around a bit to see what needs to be done.

Barn your rambling and I can’t follow what your saying please say again?
Cindy I would if I could but I’m just as lost :(

Barn, I am also a bit lost about the glassware stuff you mentioned.

All of you, I am wondering what this all means to me? Can someone elaborate so I can begin to figure it out? I am definitely in need of attending Google school. It’s on my list of things to do. I follow directions and advice very well :-)

I just don’t understand
Why this has happened…where do those odd words come from? mars?

Thank you Avacado. Nothing looks wonky so this is one time that I am glad that I kept things simple.

Cindy, I kept things simple and did all my traits like a good girl, but it sounds like I have to go check all my listings to make sure. Did you go check all your listing attributes with Tomsdeveloper tool in that short amount of time?
Is that what I do?

Here is an example of what one of mine looks like in batch edit that I have not fixed yet.

brand:Cotton; condition:new

I used [[condition:new]] and did not set any brand for this item, but from the traits where I entered the material trait as cotton and from there it picked up the brand:cotton somehow.
I will click the box to check it and then go back to the top and in the remove search attribute box I will type [[brand:cotton]], then click on submit to remove it.
Hope that helps a little.

Pace, I didn’t do my traits like a good girl as the dolls categories are pretty sparse. Lots of times could only put new or used. I need to do more attributes but just didn’t take the time. I did work on doing Keywords. I’ve had a few sales the last couple weeks and my checked that my most expensive items are showing on google search. Splain more simply please on how to use that tool. I had cataract surgery on one eye on Wednesday and one next wednesday, so will have to do something next weekend.

ok, but 1st read this post from the begining to grasp the conversation.
my latest post basically states to check your glassware items under edit or sell.
check out the category; there has been a newly added subcatagory to check off that may help your ratings.
I think this was added because ending the product type (which is what the cat. does) with the name brand causes a glitch in google world.
That was the big problem that started approx. 2 months ago. it was dubbed “brand bug” by judy/Elizabeth.
this may be there way of remedying the problems for the future uptake for item going to google.
sorry, i’ve been working my 1000 plus items over all day and i’m more than ready to open that new bottle of Chilaen Merlot. NOW

Avocado, I think I get what you are saying. :-)

Page 7 of 9 ...

Barns, Can’t you do some by checking boxes to batch edit them?

OK Barn I did that,Looked at one of my Fenton carnival glass bowls, I have it listed in Pottery and Glass, Glassware,Carnival Glass, Pre-1940, Fenton! Now NEW under Fenton there are several other things,Bells,Burmese,Crests,Shoes,Vases,Coin Dot,ETC
is that what you are talking about?
No Bowl! Coin Dot is a pattern on lots of Fenton glass,Why would that be there?
Or can we put patterns in that sub cat.?

see…I did all the traits I could, too, Cindy…and I did do about 300 attributes but that was way back when…boohooo, as Barns was saying, it’s nothing we did wrong-it’s a bonz/google thing but I don’t know which of my 1250 items in so many different categories need to be fixed. I see my items out in google sometimes but I don’t have the time to be checking them.
I just need to be able to know they’re out there…

now, a long time ago I said that when new traits were added there needed to be a way or place to let people know so they could go back and add traits since we can not all go back and constantly check hundreds of listings
fine for those who always sell the same stuff but not for us who sell many different types
at the time I was shot down like I had lost it and that it was a stupid idea
seems to me that if we had that .. some of this may not be as big a problem
so, I would think if we can not be notified of new traits there should at least be a place on site to go where there is a notification list of new traits and when they went into affect

Ok, I get what Avocado wrote I think.

pugs..try this and see if this is what you are looking for. Update your booth then on the next screen of your booth page,at the top see where it says give us more info on yout items? Click on that and that will show you if you are missing any set up traits available

Worked on my attributes today I think with jewelry items it is easier, i do not have as many attributes (is less better?)
I used
And listings seem to be ok now I must be missing something?

you’re spot on pugs. when we sell so many different things we are up a creek for editing. no such thing as batch; unless 2 things equals a batch.
And one would think it would be common curteousy to tell us when there are changes to look into or make to stay abreast of the dynamic e commerce market; guess it’s too much to expect.

Secret I just looked at this listing and I see this for brand

BRAND:secret garden


Shouldn’t it be zantine Design ??

I tried that a long time ago sofy and it gave me all my products and most didn’t have any different traits than what was there when I listed them .. again,not that much time
but I will go give it a shot and see what I get this time and let you know

yep, would have to go through the entire list to see if there is anything for any of them that I have not done
do not have time for that too often and the more items I get listed the more of a pain that will be
and for some I would think near impossible
IMO it would be much easier if there were a place that listed the new traits available etc, then I could see if any applied to any of my items then go to the items
but, that is just me .. I’m sure I expect way too much

Sorry I am so late to this discussion :(
I will clarify the two separate issues – one is a glitch the other simply how the feed is sent and was intended and believed to be correct and for probably most items fine.

Ok the glitch


This I think is an issue only for people who
1) did not apply a brand attribute and
2) have listed/revised items in recent weeks and applied traits.
I think, based on my listings which were only effected if I added a trait and I had not added a brand attribute in the past month.
When I originally applied my attribute last year I applied the brand, product_type, and condition. After talking to Bill on my own not on his recommendation I removed the product_type and brand from most of my listings and only applied the brand attributes to listings where the category ended in other.
Why?, because the category maps to the product_attribute and some of my categories go as deep as the brand. Thinking this might cause a conflict I took the product & brand attributes out of my listings except those ending with other on those I put the brand attribute.

My category (Health & Beauty) was absent traits almost entirely. Around March 10th I decided to suggest the condition attributes for items I was at the time listing and/or revising. When approved I applied those traits as well as went through my listings in the trait editor to make sure I had the available traits selected.

Last week while discussing (the other possible issue) with Avocado I noticed when looking at my listings in the batch editor under search optimize that many of my listings suddenly had a brand attribute applied – I did not apply this brand attribute.

The brand attributes I have found while correcting all of my listings included odd values such as these


As I am sure is obvious my items are searched for primarily with keywords that include the brand. Example – Lancome lipstick not just lipstick…… so the brand attribute is significant and having my items categorized by Google under the brands of new, used, other….. is not good at all. Not having a brand attribute is better than being indexed under the wrong brand.

Google shopping search results are determined by the attributes the item is categorized in not the keywords itself as is the case in an organic Google search. In Google shopping the searchers keywords are used to pull relevant items from Google’s database of attributes not any listing with that keyword term in its title/description (this is the reality with Google Organic searches)

I visualize the Google shopping database as a bunch of slots and the items are dropped in the slots appropriate given the attributes of the item. Google doesn’t investigate and tell us if our attribute is wrong or correct it for us.

So imagine the slots are


or whatever – the product_type attribute, brands…are categories in google’s database and depending on the attributes we apply to our items Google drops them in the relevant slots. When the search query is made in Google shopping Google uses the search terms to decide which items based on where they are categorized to serve up to the searcher. Example:

Search query is Urban decay lip gloss – Google will search its database and return the most relevant results. If I have an eye shadow and I apply Lip Glosses as the product_type attribute if the search query is for Lancome eye shadow my eye shadow will not be returned because I told Google with my attribute that my product is a lip gloss. If the search query is Lancome eye shadow and I told Google the brand of my eye shadow is “new” my item will not be returned in a Lancome search.

The point is my items being categorized under the brand of new, used, other ….. has resulted in those items not being returned in google shopping when the search query includes the item’s actual brand.

Hopefully, this makes sense to everyone.

So the glitch seems to have been an issue with traits (any trait applied in recent weeks) being mapped to Google as the product’s brand attribute. So go to the batch edit look under search optimize and look at every single listing for the brand attribute and be sure you remove any that are wrong.

Bill has corrected this glitch, but unfortunately it will prevent it from happening to new listings, but will not fix listings that have been messed up. He has also setup the feed to suppress any brand attributes that are set as New or Used, but as I said those are not the only “brands” being applied so you definitely need to look at your listings closely.

This did not happen to your listings in the past couple hours if you looked and then looked later and saw an issue you simply did not look close enough on the first pass.

Ok absorb this while I write about the issue which is not a glitch – that Avocado is referring to.

wow, that was a lot of reading, but I do think it was needed to get the whole jift of what is going on. I am not sure if it is being fixed or not. I am about to dive in the water to get my head wet in this pool of confusion and hope there is a life vest when I surface back to the top.
Aqua_Angels diving in. !

Ok just talked to bluepennylady and apparently there is a new glitch ….. so I guess they can be wrong now if not a few hours ago.

so should I wait before I dive in?

Yes aqua, you should wait, the water is still cold. It should get warm any minute now.
Your Friend,

Yes, wait before making changes until we understand what the new glitch is…..

Boy Im glad I waited till the evening to read this. Sorry for those have been working on this all day.

Thanks Antique..I have a few left with Brand: the name of my store

Aqua Angels is there room in your row boat for me?

hgra (argh backward).
Have been re-doing for a while now and think I’ll wait until morning to check to see if they’re okay. hgra

Sarah jump in the life boat I think there is still room

Awhile back someone posted this link

Search Engine Saturation
Search engine optimization tool for to check how many pages from your domain are indexed by the search engines. Search Engine Saturation refers to the number of pages from your website domain a search engine has indexed

Thought I would repost here some interesting information there


I am waiting. I read the start of the thread this morning and finished reading this evening. I sort of understand but now at the end here I read there is a new glitch. I’m still showing up in Google, and I’m waiting to find out more info before I do anything.
I had some [[brand:__]] that were really weird and did fix those.
I agree that we should be informed of new traits that are available for products that we sell to see if they apply to any of our items. It’s basically for upkeep and keeping with the current times. Having a place to go somewhere on Bonanzle would be a good way to see when and if new traits have been added.

oh. Well, been to another college class-thanks ecb, very nice class. I think I passed on the listening/reading, but I’m not doing the homework. I have far too many categories and far too few “brands”.
Why doesn’t Bonanzle just take out all traits that could be construed to google as “Brand”
tell google to Stop messing up our lives?

Page 8 of 8 ...

I only found the weird Brand thing. I didn’t get any of the other ones.
But I did go ahead and correct them. And they weren’t on ALL of my listings, just a few

Aqua’a rowing the boat a shore, come on in.

Aqua’a rowing the boat a shore, come on in.

Aqua Rows the Boat Ashore, Alelujahhhhhhhhhh

I am in the boat…but to tired to row

it’s ok, Aqua has all the energy-she’s rowin

Well I’ve been thinking for several hours now and I’ve decided that the product_type attribute issue is not a “glitch” but rather an observation Avocado and I have had.
We are experimenting and if you are interested in what we tried, why, and the ‘outcome’ I have no problem sharing.
It would, however, be irresponsible for me to suggest everyone make changes to their attributes/listings based on my hunch. So other than strongly encouraging you to check your attributes for clear errors due to this brand glitch I have nothing else to offer


This was the last of the saved threads that I captured - not sure of how much longer this thread went on ... hopefully the above was the more important tips / suggestions

The following thread was in reference to the above deleted thread, with Bonanzle Mark's comments at the very bottom:


And this is the thread in Drama that Mark last posted to and locked:

where's the attribute thread? (locked) 15 post(s), 7 voice(s)

Posted by Paceset9999, Puget Sound, WA. 21,878 total posts | Posted about 15 hours ago | Report this
I need it back… :(


Posted by RayvensRarities, USA. 7,463 total posts | Posted about 15 hours ago | Report this
I can’t find it pace. I thought I bookmarked it but I guess I didn’t


Posted by kenoticket, Antioch, CA. 534 total posts | Posted about 15 hours ago | Report this
UN-******* believable!

I guess we’re not suppose to talk about how we need to fix the mistakes.

Never mind, I’ll shut up. I still need this place…. for awhile.

kenoticket's booth

Posted by Paceset9999, Puget Sound, WA. 21,878 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
I really need it…it had all my notes, tips & tricks and homework cheat sheets


Posted by kenoticket, Antioch, CA. 534 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
kiss em goodbye

kenoticket's booth

Posted by Paceset9999, Puget Sound, WA. 21,878 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
did I do something wrong…I mean, write something wrong or not thank the right person or what?


Posted by RayvensRarities, USA. 7,463 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
pace get in touch with ECB, she’s the one that made that thread. Perhaps she deleted it to update it or something or possibly he site deleted it as people were starting to "panic"in it a bit.

I don’t know. I thought I had it bookmarked but I can’t find it so I guess I didn’t


Posted by gingernellstreasures, Huntsville, Al. 125 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
Well it was up to like 9 pages and I was getting more and more confused.

Gingernell's Treasures

Posted by oshunspirit1, WOLFEBORO NH, Earth Friendly Goods. 2,711 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
2 or 3 hours ago I found it had been marked venemous and removed. Huh? Bummer, cuz I really wanted to read it thru, only glanced at it early morning and it looked like a lot of valuable input.

Oshun Spirit

Posted by Paceset9999, Puget Sound, WA. 21,878 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
oh, thanks oshun…I never saw the venemous. You gals could make me feel better and let me know that It’s Not My Fault
this time
but now I’m very venemoused!


Posted by kenoticket, Antioch, CA. 534 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
I’d come back every hour or so and check on new posts. No Pace, you didn’t say anything. You did ask some good questions.

Even if the thread was causing heart palpatations, it had some excellent ‘every day’ info for us.

I’d like to know why it was poofed also. If the original poster took it down that’s one thing and I’ll erase my posts above.

Somehow I don’t think thats the case.

kenoticket's booth

Posted by RayvensRarities, USA. 7,463 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
Well remember folks, ECB is the one that had started it and she may have removed it herself.
Go ask her if she did delete it.

I really wish the site would change that “venomous” thing when we delete our own threads

It showing up like that is stupid when we delete them ourselves


Posted by momspennies, Lusby, MD. 11,049 total posts | Posted about 14 hours ago | Report this
Time will tell if the theory was right…I am testing it out myself. It was not deleted by her.

Moms Pennies From Heaven

Posted by Paceset9999, Puget Sound, WA. 21,878 total posts | Posted about 13 hours ago | Report this
ok, well, I have the links to the pages I needed and I have a few other bits and pieces to help me keep on doing my homework and for me, it IS work I’ve never been too good of a student when it’s stuff that is like algebra and yes, this is like algebra to me…what doesn’t belong and what needs to be added to solve the problem, etc.


Posted by bonanzlemark, Seattle, WA. 1,381 total posts | Posted about 13 hours ago | Report this
Hey everyone,

The thread was removed by the OP. For those that did not have a chance to read, here is Bill’s official response:

Posted by bharding, Seattle, WA. 611 total posts | Posted about 5 hours ago
Judging from the emails we’ve been getting, I think this topic might be confusing more folks than it helps, so I’ll try to make some clarifications as to the status of the product_type attribute.

Backstory: The product_type attribute is one of many Google Product attributes that Google considers when choosing which items to show for a particular query. Over the months, Google and Google watchers have given various opinions about the degree to which the product_type attribute is used by Google, but the general consensus to this point has been “not much.” That is, it is likely not a key attribute to have populated to get your items to rank higher, but like “condition” and other Google attributes, it certainly doesn’t hurt to have it filled out.

As of Today: Google recently changed the format of the data they expect to be contained in the product_type attribute. Previously, they had requested a category hierarchy (a la Antiques → Porcelain → Dolls) but now they request that the product_type attribute just be a single category, so something like “Dolls” or “Porcelain Dolls.” To adapt to this change, we recently updated all Google feeds so that, if you haven’t manually specified a product_type for your item, we choose the highest category you have specified, or the third level category, whichever is lower. So for example, if your item’s category is “Computers → Keyboards” the product_type used will be “keyboards.” If your item’s category is “Computers → Keyboards → Wireless keyboards → Qwerty-based wireless keyboards” the product_type chosen would be “Wireless keyboards,” because that is the third highest category in your hierarchy (we don’t use fourth or fifth level categories because they tend to be so specific that Google won’t recognize them).

If your top level category is “Other,” we will use the next category down in your hierarchy. So if your item’s category is “Computer → Keyboards → Other” we’ll use “Keyboards” as your product_type.

The batch editor doesn’t show the default product_type we use currently, so if you want to see the product_types being used in your items, your best bet is to look at your actual feed via My Bonanzle → Optimize for Google → Have us email you a link to your product feed.

If you don’t like the default product_type for a given item, you can provide your own product_type via the batch editor → search optimize page.

So, to summarize:

Different people say different things about how important it is to have the “product_type” attribute filled out, but the general consensus we’ve seen is that it’s not much more important than the other Google attributes (color, UPC, etc.). Your items will still show in Product Search even if you don’t want to worry about filling out product_type.
As of a week ago, Bonanzle updated the default product_type used for each item to be selected based on the category of your item. You can see the product_type used for your items if you look at your feed directly (via My Bonanzle → Optimize for Google page).
If you’re an overachiever and want to set your own product_type attributes, you can do so via the batch editor.
Hope this helps to clear up some of the confusion we’ve been receiving at support.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


so the last post was about my reading books and I'd be back later ... that was 3ish weeks ago ... i must really be engrossed ... lol

oh, look - another book ... bbl