(what the heck is a "Ch IRSTmas" ? Typo above :D )

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Well, this has been an eventful day.

Just got booted off the AuctivaCommerce forum boards for asking whether they (AuctivaCommerce) is in "cahoots" with eBay, in their venture to create standalone online webstores.

to view the latest musings of the fearful leader, MuttnJeff.

go here: (unless they've removed them - wimps that they are)


Been a long night, and an even longer day ... I'll have more about this later.

I need to tend to my children, make some dinner and think about this some more.


And the beat goes on ...

(take a deep breath)

ok, so - what's next for me?

Well, went over to my Bonanzle booth for a sec - why did I EVER abandon that place for AuckiBay? I know why - the people - most of whom were beat up from eBay, and thinking they found a respite, a place to simply sell their wares. A funny thing happened on the way to market, however, at least for me - I fell in love with some dynamic folks - people of all walks of life, all with different outlooks, but all with hearts of gold. I really thought I had found my new eBay - but, alas, the owner of the AuckiBay, well...let's just leave that alone for now...more on him, another day.

But the people - such great folks. What is strange is how we all sort of fell in the AuctivaCommerce about the same time - some have been members of Auctiva for years, and some (like me) have had very little to do with Auctiva, over the years. I was aware of it, but it didn't offer what I needed - too klitchy on the templates. When I initially received the email, regarding the AucCom (short for AuctivaCommerce) site and forum, I had great reservations. I had seen, up close, what the eBay chat rooms could do to folks, and I wasn't about to enter THAT fray.

Then I met these fabulous guys and gals. And funny! Smart! Quick to help out! I've met some of best of humanity the past 8 weeks. It's been quite the ride. Actually ... I can't think about this right now, sorry. I'll finish this up later tonight or in the morning - too close to the heart. My absolute love and admiration to all of you Aucki's who are reading this now. Not sure where this ... outcasting is going to take me, but I'll be sure to let y'all know by tomorrow. XOXOXOXOX


  1. I posted on the wrong one.
    We miss you Gail!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bad Bad Girl!!!!!
    Old Whiskey Stuff

  2. Gail needs a spanking!
    Check your email girl-friend!

  3. aw, you guys! ;) {{hugs}} to you both! :)
    ((sniff, sniff))

  4. So...have you or do you know someone in the 'group' that has their own store, say with CubeCart, x-cart, Zen-cart or one of others types? Anyone that has ventured on their own? Not the subdomain type like Estay or AucCom. On their own domain, ftp and all that stuff.
    I am very close to heading out on my own with CubeCart.
