(what the heck is a "Ch IRSTmas" ? Typo above :D )

Friday, February 19, 2010

on tap today ...


... need to figure out how to add my logo to the top of this blog

... can you wash backpacks? guess I'm about to find out

... on my way back from the laundry room, I saw my big jar of buttons - I really MUST get those organized and figure out what I have (I've collected buttons since I was a teen), especially since I ordered "The Big Book of Buttons" from the library a couple days ago - the book is out of print now - has 400+ pages of button pics. salivate. seriously! ok - if you don't collect buttons, you don't understand the salivating. : )

... also waiting for my sweater to dry - going into town this morning to drop off some more vintage and childrens/teen clothes at one of my favorite consignment shops - I can't deal with listing clothing right now online or my website - have to concentrate on "the move"

... pay no attention to the following: ok, you can pay attention, but I just needed to get these websites and blogs posted so I can go back and look at later when I have time:

... speaking of moving and getting rid of clutter - ha ha ha ha ha - like NOT! :D - the book pile is getting bigger - just brought home 20+ vintage books to list. sigh. and drat. and there are going to be a slew of library book sales soon - made a promise to myself that I wouldn't get any more until I had at least this last load done. best laid plans of mice and me

... Laura Moncur - hilarious blogger - or I was just tired early, early this morning - http://laura.moncur.org - have no idea how I arrived here, but she had a valentine posted that I literally laughed out loud when I saw it)(and thanking the lord I don't know anyone named "Peggy"

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